VBA excel 每个工作表的 onworksheetopen 全局事件

VBA excel event onworksheetopen global for every worksheet

如何为每个工作表触发 onworksheetopen 事件?我需要知道活动工作表的索引号,但在每个工作表中编写 worksheet_open 事件有点愚蠢。我想在工作簿中创建全局函数(子)以在每次打开任何工作表以获取其索引号时触发事件

Sub WorksheetIndex()
Dim table As String
 Select Case ActiveSheet.Index
    Case 4
        table = "Trees"
    Case 5
        table = "Helps"
    Case 6
        table = "Plants"
    Case 7
        table = "Excavation"
    Case 8
        table = "Building"
    Case 9
        table = "Exterier"
    Case 10
        table = "Jobs"
    Case 11
        table = "Irrigation"
    Case 12
        table = "Instalation"
    Case 13
        table = "Systems"
    Case 14
        table = "Electronic"
    Case 15
        table = "Works"
    Case 16
        table = "Example"
    Case 17
        table = "Cars"

    End Select
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
   MsgBox Sh.Name & " - " & Sh.Index
   'You can use it as you need and eliminate the annoying message...
End Sub