Xamarin google 映射 api

Xamarin google maps api


但是当这一行是 运行:

var responseElement = XElement.Parse(response);



任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题,或者建议使用 iOS SDK 的类似代码吗?谢谢

    private async Task<string> ReturnCity(string lat, string lon)
        string city = "None";
        string baseUri = string.Format("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?latlng={0},{1}&sensor=false", lat, lon);
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        var response = await client.GetStringAsync(baseUri);
        var responseElement = XElement.Parse(response);
        IEnumerable<XElement>statusElement = from st in responseElement.Elements("status") select st;
        if (statusElement.FirstOrDefault() != null)
            string status = statusElement.FirstOrDefault().Value;
            if (status.ToLower() == "ok")
                IEnumerable<XElement> resultElement = from rs in responseElement.Elements("result") select rs;
                if (resultElement.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                    IEnumerable<XElement> addressElement = from ad in resultElement.FirstOrDefault().Elements("address_component") select ad;
                    foreach (XElement element in addressElement)
                        IEnumerable<XElement> typeElement = from te in element.Elements("type") select te;
                        string type = typeElement.FirstOrDefault().Value;
                            IEnumerable<XElement> cityElement = from ln in element.Elements("long_name") select ln;
                            city = cityElement.FirstOrDefault().Value;
                            return city;
        return city;

我通过调试器找到了响应值。它看起来像一个有效的 XML。有什么想法吗?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <formatted_address>Lisbon Portela Airport (LIS), Alameda das Comunidades Portuguesas, 1700-111 Lisboa, Portugal</formatted_address>
   <long_name>Lisbon Portela Airport</long_name>
   <short_name>Lisbon Portela Airport</short_name>
   <long_name>Alameda das Comunidades Portuguesas</long_name>
   <short_name>Alameda das Comunidades Portuguesas</short_name>
  <formatted_address>Lisbon Portela Airport (LIS), Rua E, 1700-111 Lisboa, Portugal</formatted_address>
   <long_name>Rua E</long_name>
   <short_name>R. E</short_name>
   <long_name>Lisbon Portela Airport</long_name>
   <short_name>Lisbon Portela Airport</short_name>
  <formatted_address>Lisbon, Portugal</formatted_address>
  <formatted_address>1700-111 Lisbon, Portugal</formatted_address>
  <formatted_address>1700, Portugal</formatted_address>
  <formatted_address>Olivais, Portugal</formatted_address>
  <formatted_address>Lisbon, Portugal</formatted_address>
  <formatted_address>Lisbon, Portugal</formatted_address>

我使用 google 提供的相同反向地理服务实现了类似的东西,但 JSON 版本。根据我的经验,您不能假设您需要的任何数据,例如城市,会在那里。您还可能需要检查零结果。看看下面我是如何实现它的:

public async Task<LocationAddressModel> GetLocationAddressAsync (LocationAddressRequest locationAddressRequest)
        Task<IRestResponse> task = GetAddressForLocation (locationAddressRequest);
        IRestResponse response = await task;
        var locationAddress = new LocationAddressModel ();
        if (response != null) {
            RootObject locationAddresses = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject> (response.Content);
            if (locationAddresses.status.Equals (Constants.ZERO_RESULTS)) {
                // Zero results for that location, setting location to Unknown.
                locationAddress.FormattedAddress = "UnknownLocation".Local();
                locationAddress.City = "CityNotFound".Local ();
                locationAddress.County = "CountyNotFound".Local ();
                locationAddress.FirstLineOfAddress = "AddressNotFound".Local ();
                locationAddress.Postcode = "PostcodeNotFound".Local ();
            } else {
                try {
                    Result routeAddress = locationAddresses.results.FirstOrDefault (x => x.types.Contains (Constants.ROUTE));
                    if (routeAddress != null) 
                        locationAddress.FormattedAddress = routeAddress.formatted_address;

                        var postcode = routeAddress.address_components.FirstOrDefault(x => x.types.Contains (Constants.POSTCODE));
                        locationAddress.Postcode = postcode != null ? postcode.long_name : "PostcodeNotFound".Local ();

                        var firstLineOfAddress = routeAddress.address_components.FirstOrDefault(x => x.types.Contains (Constants.ROUTE));
                        locationAddress.FirstLineOfAddress = firstLineOfAddress != null ? firstLineOfAddress.long_name : "AddressNotFound".Local ();

                        var city = routeAddress.address_components.FirstOrDefault(x => x.types.Contains (Constants.CITY));
                        locationAddress.City = city != null ? city.long_name : "CityNotFound".Local ();

                        // If the location doesnt have a route address just return the first result formatted address
                        locationAddress.FormattedAddress = locationAddresses.results.FirstOrDefault ().formatted_address;

                    // Remove any numbers at the start, to save users from knowing how inaccurate GPS can be.
                    locationAddress.FormattedAddress = Regex.Replace (locationAddress.FormattedAddress, "^\d+\s", string.Empty);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.WriteLine ("Exception in reverse geolocation data");
                    // If we get some crazy data also set it to unknown
                    locationAddress.FormattedAddress = "UnknownLocation".Local();
        return locationAddress;

private async Task<IRestResponse> GetAddressForLocation (LocationAddressRequest locationAddressRequest) {

            IRestRequest restRequest = _restSharpGoogleMapsSingletonBase.Factory.Create(Constants.GET_LOCATION_ADDRESS, Method.GET);

            restRequest.AddUrlSegment ("lat", locationAddressRequest.Lat);
            restRequest.AddUrlSegment ("lng", locationAddressRequest.Lng);

                var result = await _helper.ExecuteTaskAsync(restRequest);

                if (result.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Rest Request Succeeded in Google Maps GeoCode API");
                    return result;
                    Debug.WriteLine("Rest Request Failed in Google Maps GeoCode API: Wrong status code received");
                    return null;
            catch(WebException webException)
                // Windows Store application profile only supports a limited set of WebExceptionStatus. 
                // So the PCL can only support that set, Check for the Timeout here.
                if(webException.Status == (WebExceptionStatus)14)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Timed out in Google Maps GeoCode API");
                return null;
            catch (Exception exception)
                return null;



namespace GoogleMaps
    public static class Constants
        public static string GOOGLEMAPSURL = "http://maps.googleapis.com/";
        public static string GET_LOCATION_ADDRESS = "/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng={lat},{lng}";

        public static string ROUTE = "route";
        public static string FORMATTED_ADDRESS = "formatted_address";
        public static string POSTCODE = "postal_code";
        public static string CITY = "locality";

        public static string ZERO_RESULTS = "ZERO_RESULTS";



string type = typeElement.FirstOrDefault ().Value;

所以我必须测试是否 typeElement.FirstOrDefault () != null


    private async Task<string> ReturnCity(string lat, string lon)
        string city = "None";
        string baseUri = string.Format ("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?latlng={0},{1}&sensor=false", lat, lon);
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient ();
        string response = await client.GetStringAsync (baseUri);
        XElement responseElement = XElement.Parse (response);
        IEnumerable<XElement> statusElement = from st in responseElement.Elements ("status")
                                               select st;
        if (statusElement.FirstOrDefault () != null) {
            string status = statusElement.FirstOrDefault ().Value;
            if (status.ToLower () == "ok") {
                IEnumerable<XElement> resultElement = from rs in responseElement.Elements ("result")
                                                      select rs;
                if (resultElement.FirstOrDefault () != null) {
                    IEnumerable<XElement> addressElement = from ad in resultElement.FirstOrDefault ().Elements ("address_component")
                                                           select ad;
                    foreach (XElement element in addressElement) {
                        IEnumerable<XElement> typeElement = from te in element.Elements ("type")
                                                            select te;
                        if (typeElement.FirstOrDefault () != null) {
                            string type = typeElement.FirstOrDefault ().Value;
                            if (type == "locality") {
                                IEnumerable<XElement> cityElement = from ln in element.Elements ("long_name")
                                                                   select ln;
                                city = cityElement.FirstOrDefault ().Value;
                                return city;

        return city;