如果在 swift/firebase 项目中使用分隔符,如何从组件中创建两个子项?

If you use a separator in a swift/firebase project, how do you make two childs from the component?

假设当用户输入电子邮件 (jake@aol.com) 时,您希望它成为 child1 (Jake) 和 child2(@aol.com)。

                    ///here would be if whole email is added 


///here would be making them into components
                    let components = self.emailField.text!.split(separator: "@")
                    components.forEach { print([=12=]) }


components[0] = name
components[1] = domain

并省略分隔符 @ 符号。所以数组组件,索引 0 将是 'jake',索引 1 将是 'aol.com'.


let components = self.emailField.text!.split(separator: "@")
let child1 = components[0] //will be jake
let child2 = components[1] //will be aol.com

关于 Split and Arrays


使用 ! 展开可选值时要非常小心。就好像它是零一样,它会使您的代码崩溃。始终通过 guard、if let 或 nil 合并运算符安全地使用可选值 ??