无法传送流:clearcase 子系统检测到错误

Unable to deliver stream : error detected by clearacase subsytem

我在 activity 的传递操作中遇到错误。 PFA 屏幕截图以获取更多详细信息。



Unable to deliver stream "BMG_NONCE": error detected by ClearCase subsystem

ccweb: Warning: Please ensure that the target snapshot view "Nonce_deployment_intg" is up to date and free of hijacked files.
ccweb: Warning: The following activities contain only checked-out version:
ccweb: Warning: These changes will NOT be included in this operation.
'mandacks" DOES NOT have permission to perform 'deliver_start- in project 'BMB_2.0@\BMB_PVOB'
Please contact your Project Lead if you need access.

ccweb: Warning: Trigger "Pre_access_control_BMB_PVOB_CVOB_Triger" has refused to let deliver_start proceed.
ccweb: Error: A deliver_start preop trigger does not allow this operation.
ccweb: Error: Unable to do integration.
Unable to deliver stream "BMG_NONCE": error detected by ClearCase subsystem


名为 'Pre_access_control_BMP_PVOB_CVOB_Trigger' 的触发器是。
您需要联系 ClearCase 管理员,以了解如何将用户 mandaoks 添加到该触发器的排除列表中,以免被所述触发器阻止。