Angular Ant design (NG ZORRO) Table 添加排序不起作用

Angular Ant design (NG ZORRO) Table to adding sort not working

我正在为 Ant NG ZORRO table 使用我的 Angular 项目,我正在添加排序选项,但它有一些冲突,排序选项无法正常工作。 任何人都知道如何正确地做到这一点


here the stack blitz


              [nzPageSize]="5" [nzScroll]="{ x: '1000px', y: '240px' }">
                <th nzCustomFilter nzColumnKey="cName" [nzSortFn]="true"
                  Company Name
                  <nz-filter-trigger [(nzVisible)]="visible" [nzActive]="searchValue.length > 0"
                    <i nz-icon nzType="search"></i>
                <th>Position Title</th>
                <th>Position Location</th>
                <th>Consultant Name</th>
                <th nzWidth="100px">Status</th>
              <tr *ngFor="let data of">
                <td>{{ data.cName }}</td>
                <td>{{ data.cTitle }}</td>
                <td>{{ data.pLocation }}</td>
                <td>{{ data.conName }}</td>
                  <a><nz-tag [nzColor]="'blue'">Booked</nz-tag></a>
            <nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu">
              <div class="ant-table-filter-dropdown">
                <div class="search-box">
                  <input type="text" nz-input placeholder="Search name" [(ngModel)]="searchValue" />
                  <button nz-button nzSize="small" nzType="primary" (click)="search()" class="search-button">
                  <button nz-button nzSize="small" (click)="reset()">Reset</button>


export class NzDemoTableMultipleSorterComponent {
   constructor(private i18n: NzI18nService) {}

  loading = false;
  searchValue = '';
  visible = false;
  // Project Booked

  listOfData: ProjectBooked[] = [
      key: '1',
      cName: 'OBUSIT ',
      cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
      pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
      conName: 'Admin',
      key: '2',
      cName: 'OBUSIT TEST ',
      cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
      pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
           conName: 'Admin',
      key: '3',
      cName: 'OBUSIT University',
      cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
      pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
      conName: 'Admin',
      key: '4',
      cName: 'OBUSIT Howard University',
      cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
      pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
      conName: 'Admin',

  listOfDisplayData = [...this.listOfData];

  // Month Picker
  date = null;
  dateRange = [];
  isEnglish = false;

  reset(): void {
    this.searchValue = '';;

  search(): void {
    this.visible = false;
    this.listOfDisplayData = this.listOfData.filter((item: ProjectBooked) => item.cName.indexOf(this.searchValue) !== -1);

  onChange(result: Date): void {
    console.log('onChange: ', result);

  getWeek(result: Date): void {
    console.log('week: ', getISOWeek(result));

  changeLanguage(): void {
    this.i18n.setLocale(this.isEnglish ? zh_CN : en_US);
    this.isEnglish = !this.isEnglish;

  ngOnInit(): void {



根据 table docs [nzSortFn]="true" 仅适用于服务器端排序。

[nzSortFn]: Sort function, use to sort the data in the browser side(ref to Array.sort compareFunction), set to true when using server sort

事实上,您需要为每一列实现自己的排序功能 [nzSortFn]="sortFn"。例如:

    <th nzCustomFilter nzColumnKey="cName" [nzSortFn]="sortFn">


  sortFn = (a: ProjectBooked, b: ProjectBooked) => a.cName.localeCompare(b.cName);

这是一个有效的 Stackblitz

一般来说,我建议您对 table 设置使用 listOfColumns,就像在 example 中所做的那样。它提供了更简洁的配置,如果您想实现更多功能(如过滤),它是一种更简洁的方式。