使用 Case Class 方法的高阶函数

Higher Order Function with Case Class Method



object Example extends App {

  case class action(name: String, age: Int) {
    def setName(new_name: String): action = this.copy(name = new_name)
    def setAge(new_age: Int): action = this.copy(age = new_age)

  def f1(x: action, increment: Int) = {
    // big block of code which does a....

    // a single line in the block calling
    val older_person = x setAge (x.age + increment)

    // big block of code which does b....

  def f2(x: action, new_name: String) = {
    // big block of code which does a....

    // a single line in the block calling
    val new_name_person = x setName new_name

    // big block of code which does b....

  /* Now as there is clearly a redundancy, which can be solved by higher order functions.
    I want to combine f1 and f2 into a single function. The function will take in the action, the value, and the 
    function to apply. It will then call the relevant function inside the method.
  def f3[T](x: action)(f: T => action)(value: T) = {
   // big block of code which does a....
   // call x.f(value)
    val new_action = ??? 
   // big block of code which does b....

  // then in my code I can call like this:
  // f3(x)(setAge)(100)
  // f3(x)(setName("new_name")

让我感到困惑的是,我如何传入一个函数,该函数是 case class 中的一个方法?无论如何,有没有一种优雅的方式来做到这一点?

f3 中,您可以简单地接受类型为 Action => Action 的函数(我将使用 Action 而不是 action 以减少混淆) .

def f3(x: Action)(copy: Action => Action) = {
  // big block of code which does a....

  // a single line in the block calling
  val new_name_person = copy(x)

  // big block of code which does b....


object Action {
  def setName(name: String)(action: Action) = action.copy(name=name)
  def incAge(inc: Int)(action: Action) = action.copy(age=action.age+inc)


val x = Action("Foo", 42)

Try it in Scastie