在 PHP 中确定闭包是否是静态的

Determining if a closure is static in PHP

PHP 中定义的闭包也可以带有 static 修饰符。

$f = function () { };

$g = static function () { };

静态闭包无法通过Closure::bind or Closure::bindTo绑定,会发出警告。

$g = Closure::bind(static function () { }, new stdClass());

// Warning: Cannot bind an instance to a static closure in ...

这也是通过 ReflectionMethod::getClosure.

class MyClass
    public static function myStaticMethod() { }

// reflect MyClass::myStaticMethod,  create an unbound closure, and try to bind it
$f = (new ReflectionMethod(MyClass::class, 'myStaticMethod'))
    ->bindTo(new stdClass());

// Warning: Cannot bind an instance to a static closure in ...

虽然烦人,但这是可以接受的; 然而,如何在静态和非静态闭包之间进行测试?

ReflectionMethod::isStatic 看起来 可能 可以工作,但实际上不可行,因为 Closure::__invoke 是实例级的,而不是静态的。

$f = static function () { };

// reflect Closure::__invoke because I think I'm tricky
$r = new ReflectionMethod($f, '__invoke');

// and it's not static anyway
var_dump($r->isStatic()); // bool(false)

此外,检查 ReflectionMethod::getClosureThis 通常可以工作,因为静态方法必须是未绑定的,但这不包括在实例方法外部定义的闭包,或者实例方法的极端情况 未绑定.

class MyClass
    public function myInstanceMethod() { }

$o = new MyClass();

// reflect MyClass::myInstanceMethod, create a bound closure, and then unbind it
$f = (new ReflectionMethod($o, 'myInstanceMethod'))

// then reflect the closure
$r = new ReflectionFunction($f);

// and see it's bound to nothing, as would be the case of a static closure
var_dump($r->getClosureThis()); // NULL


看来我们确实应该有一个 ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isBindable,或者 ReflectionMethod::isStatic 上移到 ReflectionFunctionAbstract

我现在为自己使用的唯一真正的解决方法是手动添加 ->isBindable 属性。

这是我在这里找到的一些代码 https://github.com/atoum/atoum/blob/master/classes/test/adapter/invoker.php

protected static function isBindable(\closure $closure)
        $isBindable = (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0);
        if ($isBindable === true)
            $reflectedClosure = new \reflectionFunction($closure);
            $isBindable = ($reflectedClosure->getClosureThis() !== null || $reflectedClosure->getClosureScopeClass() === null);
        return $isBindable;

如果绑定有效,闭包将绑定一个 $this。所以,只需绑定它,然后检查 $this。如果它是 null,那么它就是一个静态闭包。

function isBindable(\Closure $closure) {
    $boundClosure = @\Closure::bind($closure, new stdClass);

    return $boundClosure && (new ReflectionFunction($boundClosure))->getClosureThis() != null; 