Why latitudes and longitudes are two dimensional arrays in netcdf file?
我有 netCDF 文件,其中包含某个位置的温度数据。数据形状为 1450x900.
所以我从 netCDf 文件中提取了纬度和经度坐标数据,但我期望它们是一维数组,而不是两个坐标都具有 1450x900 形状的二维数组。
所以我的问题是:为什么它们是二维数组,而不是 1450 个纬度值和 900 个经度值? 1450 lat 值和 900 lon 值不描述整个网格吗?
假设我们有 4x5 正方形,用于定位网格最右边和最底部点的索引将是 [4, 5]。所以我对 x 的索引将是 [1, 2, 3, 4],对于 y:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]。总共 9 个索引足以定位该网格(由 20 个单元格组成)上的任何点。那么为什么netcdf文件中的lat(x)和lon(y)坐标分别包含20个索引(共40个),而不是分别包含4个和5个索引(共9个)呢?希望你明白我的困惑。
是否可以以某种方式映射这些二维数组并将其“降级”为 1450 个纬度值和 900 个经度值?或者现在还可以吗?我如何将这些值用于我的意图?我需要压缩经纬度数组吗?
>>> DS = xarray.open_dataset('file.nc')
>>> DS.tasmin.shape
(31, 1450, 900)
>>> DS.projection_x_coordinate.shape
>>> DS.projection_y_coordinate.shape
>>> DS.latitude.shape
(1450, 900)
>>> DS.longitude.shape
(1450, 900)
认为 projection_x_coordinate
和 projection_y_coordinate
是 easting/northing 值而不是 lat/longs
Dimensions: (bnds: 2, projection_x_coordinate: 900, projection_y_coordinate: 1450, time: 31)
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-12-01T12:00:00 ....
* projection_y_coordinate (projection_y_coordinate) float64 -1.995e+0...
* projection_x_coordinate (projection_x_coordinate) float64 -1.995e+0...
latitude (projection_y_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate) float64 ...
longitude (projection_y_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate) float64 ...
Dimensions without coordinates: bnds
Data variables:
tasmin (time, projection_y_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate) float64 ...
transverse_mercator int32 ...
time_bnds (time, bnds) datetime64[ns] ...
projection_y_coordinate_bnds (projection_y_coordinate, bnds) float64 ...
projection_x_coordinate_bnds (projection_x_coordinate, bnds) float64 ...
comment: Daily resolution gridded climate observations
creation_date: 2019-08-21T21:26:02
frequency: day
institution: Met Office
references: doi: 10.1002/joc.1161
short_name: daily_mintemp
source: HadUK-Grid_v1.0.1.0
title: Gridded surface climate observations data for the UK
version: v20190808
Conventions: CF-1.5
您的数据符合 Climate and Forecast conventions 的 1.5 版。
描述此版本约定的文档是 here,尽管相关部分在许多版本的约定中基本没有变化。
参见第 5.2 节:
5.2. Two-Dimensional Latitude, Longitude, Coordinate Variables
The latitude and longitude coordinates of a horizontal grid that was
not defined as a Cartesian product of latitude and longitude axes, can
sometimes be represented using two-dimensional coordinate variables.
These variables are identified as coordinates by use of the coordinates attribute.
您似乎在使用 HadOBS 1km 分辨率网格化每日最低温度,尤其是此文件:
如果您查看 ncdump -h <filename>
的输出,您还会看到以下通过 transverse_mercator
int transverse_mercator ;
transverse_mercator:grid_mapping_name = "transverse_mercator" ;
transverse_mercator:longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0. ;
transverse_mercator:semi_major_axis = 6377563.396 ;
transverse_mercator:semi_minor_axis = 6356256.909 ;
transverse_mercator:longitude_of_central_meridian = -2. ;
transverse_mercator:latitude_of_projection_origin = 49. ;
transverse_mercator:false_easting = 400000. ;
transverse_mercator:false_northing = -100000. ;
transverse_mercator:scale_factor_at_central_meridian = 0.9996012717 ;
例如,参见 OS 网格的 description(来自维基百科)。
如果您希望在规则的经纬度网格上表达数据,则需要进行某种类型的插值。我看到您正在使用 xarray。您可以将它与 pyresample
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition
from pyresample.kd_tree import resample_nearest, resample_gauss
ds = xr.open_dataset("tasmin_hadukgrid_uk_1km_day_20181201-20181231.nc")
# Define a target grid. For sake of example, here is one with just
# 3 longitudes and 4 latitudes.
lons = np.array([-2.1, -2., -1.9])
lats = np.array([51.7, 51.8, 51.9, 52.0])
# The target grid is regular (1-d lon, lat coordinates) but we will need
# a 2d version (similar to the input grid), so use numpy.meshgrid to produce this.
lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
origin_grid = SwathDefinition(lons=ds.longitude, lats=ds.latitude)
target_grid = SwathDefinition(lons=lon2d, lats=lat2d)
# get a numpy array for the first timestep
data = ds.tasmin[0].to_masked_array()
# nearest neighbour interpolation example
# Note that radius_of_influence has units metres
interpolated = resample_nearest(origin_grid, data, target_grid, radius_of_influence=1000)
# array([[5.12490065, 5.02715332, 5.36414835],
# [5.08337723, 4.96372838, 5.00862833],
# [6.47538931, 5.53855722, 5.11511239],
# [6.46571817, 6.17949381, 5.87357538]])
# gaussian weighted interpolation example
# Note that radius_of_influence and sigmas both have units metres
interpolated = resample_gauss(origin_grid, data, target_grid, radius_of_influence=1000, sigmas=1000)
# array([[5.20432465, 5.07436805, 5.39693221],
# [5.09069187, 4.8565934 , 5.08191639],
# [6.4505963 , 5.44018209, 5.13774416],
# [6.47345359, 6.2386732 , 5.62121948]])
我有 netCDF 文件,其中包含某个位置的温度数据。数据形状为 1450x900.
所以我从 netCDf 文件中提取了纬度和经度坐标数据,但我期望它们是一维数组,而不是两个坐标都具有 1450x900 形状的二维数组。
所以我的问题是:为什么它们是二维数组,而不是 1450 个纬度值和 900 个经度值? 1450 lat 值和 900 lon 值不描述整个网格吗?
假设我们有 4x5 正方形,用于定位网格最右边和最底部点的索引将是 [4, 5]。所以我对 x 的索引将是 [1, 2, 3, 4],对于 y:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]。总共 9 个索引足以定位该网格(由 20 个单元格组成)上的任何点。那么为什么netcdf文件中的lat(x)和lon(y)坐标分别包含20个索引(共40个),而不是分别包含4个和5个索引(共9个)呢?希望你明白我的困惑。
是否可以以某种方式映射这些二维数组并将其“降级”为 1450 个纬度值和 900 个经度值?或者现在还可以吗?我如何将这些值用于我的意图?我需要压缩经纬度数组吗?
>>> DS = xarray.open_dataset('file.nc')
>>> DS.tasmin.shape
(31, 1450, 900)
>>> DS.projection_x_coordinate.shape
>>> DS.projection_y_coordinate.shape
>>> DS.latitude.shape
(1450, 900)
>>> DS.longitude.shape
(1450, 900)
认为 projection_x_coordinate
和 projection_y_coordinate
是 easting/northing 值而不是 lat/longs
Dimensions: (bnds: 2, projection_x_coordinate: 900, projection_y_coordinate: 1450, time: 31) Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2018-12-01T12:00:00 .... * projection_y_coordinate (projection_y_coordinate) float64 -1.995e+0... * projection_x_coordinate (projection_x_coordinate) float64 -1.995e+0... latitude (projection_y_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate) float64 ... longitude (projection_y_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate) float64 ... Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: tasmin (time, projection_y_coordinate, projection_x_coordinate) float64 ... transverse_mercator int32 ... time_bnds (time, bnds) datetime64[ns] ... projection_y_coordinate_bnds (projection_y_coordinate, bnds) float64 ... projection_x_coordinate_bnds (projection_x_coordinate, bnds) float64 ... Attributes: comment: Daily resolution gridded climate observations creation_date: 2019-08-21T21:26:02 frequency: day institution: Met Office references: doi: 10.1002/joc.1161 short_name: daily_mintemp source: HadUK-Grid_v1.0.1.0 title: Gridded surface climate observations data for the UK version: v20190808 Conventions: CF-1.5
您的数据符合 Climate and Forecast conventions 的 1.5 版。
描述此版本约定的文档是 here,尽管相关部分在许多版本的约定中基本没有变化。
参见第 5.2 节:
5.2. Two-Dimensional Latitude, Longitude, Coordinate Variables
The latitude and longitude coordinates of a horizontal grid that was not defined as a Cartesian product of latitude and longitude axes, can sometimes be represented using two-dimensional coordinate variables. These variables are identified as coordinates by use of the coordinates attribute.
您似乎在使用 HadOBS 1km 分辨率网格化每日最低温度,尤其是此文件:
如果您查看 ncdump -h <filename>
的输出,您还会看到以下通过 transverse_mercator
int transverse_mercator ;
transverse_mercator:grid_mapping_name = "transverse_mercator" ;
transverse_mercator:longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0. ;
transverse_mercator:semi_major_axis = 6377563.396 ;
transverse_mercator:semi_minor_axis = 6356256.909 ;
transverse_mercator:longitude_of_central_meridian = -2. ;
transverse_mercator:latitude_of_projection_origin = 49. ;
transverse_mercator:false_easting = 400000. ;
transverse_mercator:false_northing = -100000. ;
transverse_mercator:scale_factor_at_central_meridian = 0.9996012717 ;
例如,参见 OS 网格的 description(来自维基百科)。
如果您希望在规则的经纬度网格上表达数据,则需要进行某种类型的插值。我看到您正在使用 xarray。您可以将它与 pyresample
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition
from pyresample.kd_tree import resample_nearest, resample_gauss
ds = xr.open_dataset("tasmin_hadukgrid_uk_1km_day_20181201-20181231.nc")
# Define a target grid. For sake of example, here is one with just
# 3 longitudes and 4 latitudes.
lons = np.array([-2.1, -2., -1.9])
lats = np.array([51.7, 51.8, 51.9, 52.0])
# The target grid is regular (1-d lon, lat coordinates) but we will need
# a 2d version (similar to the input grid), so use numpy.meshgrid to produce this.
lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
origin_grid = SwathDefinition(lons=ds.longitude, lats=ds.latitude)
target_grid = SwathDefinition(lons=lon2d, lats=lat2d)
# get a numpy array for the first timestep
data = ds.tasmin[0].to_masked_array()
# nearest neighbour interpolation example
# Note that radius_of_influence has units metres
interpolated = resample_nearest(origin_grid, data, target_grid, radius_of_influence=1000)
# array([[5.12490065, 5.02715332, 5.36414835],
# [5.08337723, 4.96372838, 5.00862833],
# [6.47538931, 5.53855722, 5.11511239],
# [6.46571817, 6.17949381, 5.87357538]])
# gaussian weighted interpolation example
# Note that radius_of_influence and sigmas both have units metres
interpolated = resample_gauss(origin_grid, data, target_grid, radius_of_influence=1000, sigmas=1000)
# array([[5.20432465, 5.07436805, 5.39693221],
# [5.09069187, 4.8565934 , 5.08191639],
# [6.4505963 , 5.44018209, 5.13774416],
# [6.47345359, 6.2386732 , 5.62121948]])