通过 JS 中的调度事件以编程方式输入输入
Type in input programmatically via dispatch event in JS
这里是显示 keydown 但不输入任何内容的示例代码。
<p>Info: <input id="info" style="width:50%"></p>
<p>show: <input id="show" style="width:50%"></p>
<p><button onclick="showType()">Type in show</button></p
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(ev) {
document.getElementById("info").value =
"key= "+ev.key+" : "+ev.code+" : "+ev.keyCode;
}, true);
function showType(){
new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
key: "d",
code: "KeyD",
keyCode: 68,
shiftKey: false,
ctrlKey: false,
metaKey: false
基于 MDN 出于安全原因,不允许这样做。因此,您需要手动更新该值。
Note: Manually firing an event does not generate the default action associated with that event. For example, manually firing a key event does not cause that letter to appear in a focused text input. In the case of UI events, this is important for security reasons, as it prevents scripts from simulating user actions that interact with the browser itself.
这里是显示 keydown 但不输入任何内容的示例代码。
<p>Info: <input id="info" style="width:50%"></p>
<p>show: <input id="show" style="width:50%"></p>
<p><button onclick="showType()">Type in show</button></p
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(ev) {
document.getElementById("info").value =
"key= "+ev.key+" : "+ev.code+" : "+ev.keyCode;
}, true);
function showType(){
new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
key: "d",
code: "KeyD",
keyCode: 68,
shiftKey: false,
ctrlKey: false,
metaKey: false
基于 MDN 出于安全原因,不允许这样做。因此,您需要手动更新该值。
Note: Manually firing an event does not generate the default action associated with that event. For example, manually firing a key event does not cause that letter to appear in a focused text input. In the case of UI events, this is important for security reasons, as it prevents scripts from simulating user actions that interact with the browser itself.