如何告诉 WebStorm 或 PhpStorm 代码在异步函数中

How to tell WebStorm or PhpStorm that the code is inside an async function


有没有办法告诉 IDE 它是异步上下文并且所有“await”都正常?

UPD 1:


const m = {};
const AF = Object.getPrototypeOf(async function(){}).constructor;
async function evl(n){
    if(typeof m[n] === t.U) await (new AF('imp', 'exp', await get('http://localhost/mdl/' + n + '.js')))(imp, o=>{m[n]=o});
    return m[n];


const message = await imp('message'); // await gives inspection error.
exp((name)=>console.log(message + ', ' + name + '!'));

自 2020.2 起,JavaScript 和 TypeScript |异步代码和承诺 |顶层'await'表达式检查默认关闭;如果它已为您启用,请尝试在 设置中禁用它 |编辑|检查