从 AWS Athena 中的数组元素分组

Group by from the elements of array in AWS Athena

我有一个有两列的 table。 table 具有以下架构

column_name ---> type
student_id  ---> int
subjects    ---> array<string>


student_id  --->  subjects
10          --->  [Math, Science]
20          --->  [Math, English]
30          --->  [English, French]


Math     ---> 2
Science  ---> 1
English  ---> 2
French   ---> 1

我听说过 unnest 一个数组,但无法得到这个结果。


我想你只需要 unnest:

select subject, count(*)
from t cross join
     unnest(subjects) as u(subject)
group by subject;