Pusher Beam 停止私人通知但保留 public 条通知

Pusher Beam stop private notifications but keep public notifications

我有一个带有 Public 博客和私人后端的网站。登录与否,用户可以决定接收关于博客的浏览器通知,这是一个 interest https://pusher.com/docs/beams/getting-started/web/sdk-integration#subscribe-to-an-interest


const beamsClient = new PusherPushNotifications.Client(
    instanceId: '...'

beamsClient.start().then(() => beamsClient.addDeviceInterest('Blog'));

如果他对通知回答“是”,Pusher 将保存他的 DeviceId,这很好。现在,当他登录到我的私人后台时,他将能够直接接收到他的通知 https://pusher.com/docs/beams/guides/publish-to-specific-user/web


const beamsTokenProvider = new PusherPushNotifications.TokenProvider(
    url: '...' 

const beamsClient = new PusherPushNotifications.Client(
    instanceId: '...'

beamsClient.start().then(() => beamsClient.setUserId('MY_USER_ID', beamsTokenProvider));


当用户决定注销时,我从 Pusher Beam (https://pusher.com/docs/beams/reference/server-sdk-php#-deleteuser) 中删除了他的认证设备,我的 objective 只是为了阻止他接收私人认证通知,但它正在删除完全是他的 Pusher 设备,这意味着 Public 博客通知不再有效。


Remove the given user (and all of their devices) from Beams. This user will no longer receive any notifications and all state stored about their devices will be deleted.


Uncaught (in promise) Error: Unexpected status code 404: Not found, Device not found

如何停止私人通知但保留 Public 通知?


我没有使用deleteUser PHP 函数,而是在注销时使用clearAllState JS 函数。 https://pusher.com/docs/beams/reference/web#-clearallstate

Clears all the state in the SDK, leaving it in a empty started state. You should call this method when your user logs out of the application.

这样只有私人通知被清除,Public 通知仍然有效。