使用 SwiftPM 导出 public C headers
Exporting public C headers with SwiftPM
我有一个开源 Objective C 框架,我也想使用 Swift 包管理器提供它。
通常,我在Xcode项目中设置public headers,在构建框架时,将其复制到框架包下,并在链接到时发现通过 Xcode.
我不能,但是让它与 SwiftPM 一起工作。
framework module LNPopupController {
umbrella header "LNPopupController.h"
export *
module * { export * }
我在 Package.swift:
let package = Package(
name: "LNPopupController",
platforms: [
products: [
// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages.
name: "LNPopupController",
type: .dynamic,
targets: ["LNPopupController"]),
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
// .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on.
name: "LNPopupController",
dependencies: [],
path: "LNPopupController",
publicHeadersPath: ".",
cSettings: [
当在 Xcode 中作为项目依赖项添加时,框架编译得很好,但是当依赖目标尝试 import LNPopupController
时,会抛出错误:umbrella header 'LNPopupController.h' not found
查看构建文件夹,确实,我看到 Xcode 构建了一个二进制文件,但没有复制 public headers.
有什么方法可以指定哪些 headers 是 public,并让构建系统复制它们以便导入?
我终于明白了。这就是我为 LNPopupController:
我创建了一个 include/LNPopupController/
sub-directory 树,并在其中放置了指向所有 public headers 的软链接。
在打包文件中,我添加了publicHeadersPath: "include"
这可能不是最佳方式,但它适用于我尝试过此方法的所有 ObjC 项目。
我有一个开源 Objective C 框架,我也想使用 Swift 包管理器提供它。
通常,我在Xcode项目中设置public headers,在构建框架时,将其复制到框架包下,并在链接到时发现通过 Xcode.
我不能,但是让它与 SwiftPM 一起工作。
framework module LNPopupController {
umbrella header "LNPopupController.h"
export *
module * { export * }
我在 Package.swift:
中这样定义库let package = Package(
name: "LNPopupController",
platforms: [
products: [
// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages.
name: "LNPopupController",
type: .dynamic,
targets: ["LNPopupController"]),
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
// .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on.
name: "LNPopupController",
dependencies: [],
path: "LNPopupController",
publicHeadersPath: ".",
cSettings: [
当在 Xcode 中作为项目依赖项添加时,框架编译得很好,但是当依赖目标尝试 import LNPopupController
时,会抛出错误:umbrella header 'LNPopupController.h' not found
查看构建文件夹,确实,我看到 Xcode 构建了一个二进制文件,但没有复制 public headers.
有什么方法可以指定哪些 headers 是 public,并让构建系统复制它们以便导入?
我终于明白了。这就是我为 LNPopupController:
所做的我创建了一个 include/LNPopupController/
sub-directory 树,并在其中放置了指向所有 public headers 的软链接。
在打包文件中,我添加了publicHeadersPath: "include"
你可以在这里看到最终结果: https://github.com/LeoNatan/LNPopupController/blob/master/Package.swift
这可能不是最佳方式,但它适用于我尝试过此方法的所有 ObjC 项目。