
Why does my react component keep re-rendering?

我正在尝试将一个 tockify 日历嵌入到我正在构建的 React 项目中的组件中。我应该注意,我正在使用一个名为 react-script-tag 的库,它允许我在我的组件中使用 <script/> 标签。 不管怎样,压延机正在渲染——但随后继续重新渲染,就好像它卡在某种循环中一样。我觉得我需要实施某种生命周期方法。有什么建议么?代码如下:

import React from 'react'
import Nav from './Nav'
import ScriptTag from 'react-script-tag'

class Events extends React.Component {

    render() {
    return (
             <div data-tockify-component="calendar" data-tockify-calendar="hzevents2"></div>
            <ScriptTag isHydrating={false} data-cfasync="false" data-tockify-script="embed" src="https://public.tockify.com/browser/embed.js"></ScriptTag> 

export default Events

'react-script-tag' 的文档说

It is recommended that the Script tag is placed in a component that only renders once in the entire life of your app. Otherwise, a new

tag will be appended each time the component mounts again. There are plans down the road to prevent this.



使用 React.PureComponent 而不是 React.Component 因为 React.PureComponent 将在不需要或更新时阻止重新渲染。