如何使用 BeautifulSoup 库从可折叠 table 中抓取 tbody?
How to scrape tbody from a collapsible table using BeautifulSoup library?
最近我做了一个基于 covid-19 仪表板的项目。我用来从这个 website which has a collapsible table. Everything was ok till now, now recently the heroku app showing some errors. So i rerun my code in my local machine and the error occured at scraping tbody. Then i figured out that the site i use to scrape data has changed or updated the way it looks (table) and then my code is not able to grab it. I tried viewing page source and i am not able to find the table (tbody) that is on this page 中 抓取 数据的地方。但是如果我检查 table 的行但找不到,我能够找到 tbody 和所有数据它在 source.How 页上,我现在可以 抓取 table 吗?
您在页面上看到的数据是通过 Ajax 从外部 URL 加载的。您可以使用 requests
import json
import requests
url = 'https://www.mohfw.gov.in/data/datanew.json'
data = requests.get(url).json()
# uncomment to print all data:
# print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
# print some data on screen:
for d in data:
print('{:<30} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10}'.format(d['state_name'], d['active'], d['positive'], d['cured'], d['death']))
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 329 548 214 5
Andhra Pradesh 75720 140933 63864 1349
Arunachal Pradesh 670 1591 918 3
Assam 9814 40269 30357 98
Bihar 17579 51233 33358 296
Chandigarh 369 1051 667 15
Chhattisgarh 2803 9086 6230 53
... and so on.
import json
import requests
import pandas as pd
data = []
row = []
r = requests.get('https://www.mohfw.gov.in/data/datanew.json')
j = json.loads(r.text)
for i in j:
for k in i:
row = []
columns = [i for i in j[0]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
df.sno = pd.to_numeric(df.sno, errors='coerce').reset_index()
df = df.sort_values('sno',)
sno state_name active positive cured death new_active new_positive new_cured new_death state_code
0 0 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 329 548 214 5 403 636 226 7 35
1 1 Andhra Pradesh 75720 140933 63864 1349 72188 150209 76614 1407 28
2 2 Arunachal Pradesh 670 1591 918 3 701 1673 969 3 12
3 3 Assam 9814 40269 30357 98 10183 41726 31442 101 18
4 4 Bihar 17579 51233 33358 296 18937 54240 34994 309 10
5 5 Chandigarh 369 1051 667 15 378 1079 683 18 04
6 6 Chhattisgarh 2803 9086 6230 53 2720 9385 6610 55 22
7 7 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 412 1100 686 2 418 1145 725 2 26
8 8 Delhi 10705 135598 120930 3963 10596 136716 122131 3989 07
9 9 Goa 1657 5913 4211 45 1707 6193 4438 48 30
10 10 Gujarat 14090 61438 44907 2441 14300 62463 45699 2464 24
最近我做了一个基于 covid-19 仪表板的项目。我用来从这个 website which has a collapsible table. Everything was ok till now, now recently the heroku app showing some errors. So i rerun my code in my local machine and the error occured at scraping tbody. Then i figured out that the site i use to scrape data has changed or updated the way it looks (table) and then my code is not able to grab it. I tried viewing page source and i am not able to find the table (tbody) that is on this page 中 抓取 数据的地方。但是如果我检查 table 的行但找不到,我能够找到 tbody 和所有数据它在 source.How 页上,我现在可以 抓取 table 吗?
您在页面上看到的数据是通过 Ajax 从外部 URL 加载的。您可以使用 requests
import json
import requests
url = 'https://www.mohfw.gov.in/data/datanew.json'
data = requests.get(url).json()
# uncomment to print all data:
# print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
# print some data on screen:
for d in data:
print('{:<30} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10}'.format(d['state_name'], d['active'], d['positive'], d['cured'], d['death']))
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 329 548 214 5
Andhra Pradesh 75720 140933 63864 1349
Arunachal Pradesh 670 1591 918 3
Assam 9814 40269 30357 98
Bihar 17579 51233 33358 296
Chandigarh 369 1051 667 15
Chhattisgarh 2803 9086 6230 53
... and so on.
import json
import requests
import pandas as pd
data = []
row = []
r = requests.get('https://www.mohfw.gov.in/data/datanew.json')
j = json.loads(r.text)
for i in j:
for k in i:
row = []
columns = [i for i in j[0]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
df.sno = pd.to_numeric(df.sno, errors='coerce').reset_index()
df = df.sort_values('sno',)
sno state_name active positive cured death new_active new_positive new_cured new_death state_code
0 0 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 329 548 214 5 403 636 226 7 35
1 1 Andhra Pradesh 75720 140933 63864 1349 72188 150209 76614 1407 28
2 2 Arunachal Pradesh 670 1591 918 3 701 1673 969 3 12
3 3 Assam 9814 40269 30357 98 10183 41726 31442 101 18
4 4 Bihar 17579 51233 33358 296 18937 54240 34994 309 10
5 5 Chandigarh 369 1051 667 15 378 1079 683 18 04
6 6 Chhattisgarh 2803 9086 6230 53 2720 9385 6610 55 22
7 7 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 412 1100 686 2 418 1145 725 2 26
8 8 Delhi 10705 135598 120930 3963 10596 136716 122131 3989 07
9 9 Goa 1657 5913 4211 45 1707 6193 4438 48 30
10 10 Gujarat 14090 61438 44907 2441 14300 62463 45699 2464 24