在 MLR 中,如何仅将逻辑超参数设置为 TRUE 或 FALSE?

In MLR, How to set Logical Hyperparameter to either TRUE or FALSE only?

我有这个数据集来尝试使用 classif.ada

#Using HouseVotes84 as Classification Task Dataset and mtcars as Regression Task Dataset
dummy_data_classif <- HouseVotes84[,2:length(colnames(HouseVotes84))] %>% 
  mutate_if(is.factor, as.numeric)
dummy_data_classif <- data.frame(cbind(Class=HouseVotes84[,1], dummy_data_classif))
dummy_data_classif[is.na(dummy_data_classif)] <- 0
dummy_data_classif_numeric <- dummy_data_classif[-1] %>%
  mutate_if(is.factor, as.numeric)
dummy_data_classif_numeric <- data.frame(cbind(dummy_data_classif[1], 
colnames(dummy_data_classif_numeric) <- colnames(dummy_data_classif)

我在字符串中有这个参数表达式,稍后将对 MLR

中的 classif.ada 参数集进行评估

"hyperparam <<- makeParamSet(
makeIntegerParam(\"iter\",lower = 50,upper=250), 
makeIntegerParam(\"max.iter\",lower = 30,upper=200), 
makeLogicalParam(\"model.coef\",FALSE, tunable=FALSE), 
makeDiscreteParam(\"loss\",values = c(\"exponential\", \"logistic\")), 
makeDiscreteParam(\"type\",values = c(\"discrete\", \"real\", \"gentle\")), 
makeNumericParam(\"nu\",lower = 0,upper=100), 
makeNumericParam(\"bag.frac\",lower = 0,upper=1), 
makeNumericParam(\"delta\",lower = 0,upper=1e-07), 
makeIntegerParam(\"minsplit\",lower = 1,upper=30), 
makeIntegerParam(\"minbucket\",lower = 1,upper=20), 
makeNumericParam(\"cp\",lower = 0,upper=1), 
makeIntegerParam(\"maxcompete\",lower = 0,upper=6), 
makeIntegerParam(\"maxsurrogate\",lower = 0,upper=7.5), 
makeDiscreteParam(\"usesurrogate\",values = c(0, 1, 2)), 
makeDiscreteParam(\"surrogatestyle\",values = c(0, 1)), 
makeIntegerParam(\"maxdepth\",lower = 1,upper=30))"

然后我为 classif.ada 定义了任务,并计划调整 20 个随机参数集

task <- makeClassifTask(data = dummy_data_classif_numeric, 
                        target = "Class")
lrn <- makeLearner(cl = "classif.ada", fix.factors.prediction = TRUE)

hyper_search <- makeTuneControlRandom(maxit = 20)
resampling_method <- makeResampleDesc("cv")
# Perform tuning
lrn_tune <- tuneParams(learner = "classif.ada", task = task, 
                       resampling = resampling_method, 
                       control = hyper_search, par.set = hyperparam)

在这些例子中,我希望"model.coef"超参数只包含FALSE值来调整,在运行这些之后,model.coef仍然在[=17之间调整=] 和 FALSE 并收到此错误:

[Tune] Started tuning learner classif.ada for parameter set:
                   Type len   Def               Constr Req Tunable Trafo
iter            integer   -     -            50 to 250   -    TRUE     -
max.iter        integer   -     -            30 to 200   -    TRUE     -
model.coef      logical   - FALSE                    -   -   FALSE     -
loss           discrete   -     - exponential,logistic   -    TRUE     -
type           discrete   -     - discrete,real,gentle   -    TRUE     -
nu              numeric   -     -             0 to 100   -    TRUE     -
bag.frac        numeric   -     -               0 to 1   -    TRUE     -
bag.shift       logical   -     -                    -   -    TRUE     -
delta           numeric   -     -           0 to 1e-07   -    TRUE     -
minsplit        integer   -     -              1 to 30   -    TRUE     -
minbucket       integer   -     -              1 to 20   -    TRUE     -
cp              numeric   -     -               0 to 1   -    TRUE     -
maxcompete      integer   -     -               0 to 6   -    TRUE     -
maxsurrogate    integer   -     -             0 to 7.5   -    TRUE     -
usesurrogate   discrete   -     -                0,1,2   -    TRUE     -
surrogatestyle discrete   -     -                  0,1   -    TRUE     -
maxdepth        integer   -     -              1 to 30   -    TRUE     -
With control class: TuneControlRandom
Imputation value: 1
[Tune-x] 1: iter=233; max.iter=141; model.coef=FALSE; loss=exponential; type=gentle; nu=63.5; bag.frac=0.686; bag.shift=TRUE; delta=3.49e-08; minsplit=21; minbucket=2; cp=0.881; maxcompete=1; maxsurrogate=2; usesurrogate=2; surrogatestyle=0; maxdepth=17
[Tune-y] 1: mmce.test.mean=0.0598309; time: 0.8 min
[Tune-x] 2: iter=230; max.iter=115; model.coef=TRUE; loss=exponential; type=gentle; nu=39.6; bag.frac=0.35; bag.shift=TRUE; delta=4.87e-08; minsplit=1; minbucket=2; cp=0.523; maxcompete=4; maxsurrogate=7; usesurrogate=0; surrogatestyle=1; maxdepth=21
Error in if (any(wt < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In log((1 - errm)/errm) :
 Error in if (any(wt < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed 


要为学习器创建固定参数,请在创建学习器时在 par.vals 中设置它。参见 https://mlr.mlr-org.com/reference/makeLearner.html

ParamSet 中指定的参数将始终在指定范围内进行调整。

PS:使用 <<- 将 ParamSet 分配给 GlobalEnv 不是一个好主意(一般来说,不仅仅是 mlr)。
PS2: 请注意,{mlr} 已弃用,应改用 {mlr3}。

如果您希望某个值固定且不包含在搜索中 space 您必须手动设置此参数的值并将其从搜索中排除 space:

hyperparam$pars$model.coef = NULL
learner <- makeLearner("classif.ada", par.vals = list(model.coef = FALSE))
lrn_tune <- tuneParams(learner = learner, task = task, 
                       resampling = resampling_method, 
                       control = hyper_search, par.set = hyperparam)

直接在搜索 space(hyperparam 对象)的定义中省略 model.coef 更有意义,但您的示例看起来好像以某种方式预定义了对象。