
How to detect the 3rd, 4th, 5th letter in a string C#

我有一个 string 结构如下:

string s = "0R   0R  20.0V  100.0V  400.0R    60R  70.0R";

我的问题是,如何只检测 3rd4th5th像这样通过 if 语句来信:

3rd letter = V
4th letter = V
5th letter = R

//pseudocode below 
if (3rd letter in string == V)
   return true;

if (4th letter in string == V)
   return true;

if (5th letter in string == R)
   return true;


3rd letter = V
4th letter = V
5th letter = R

// Pseudocode below:
Console.WriteLine("3rd Letter"); //should return V
Console.WriteLine("4th Letter"); //should return V
Console.WriteLine("5th Letter"); //should return R

我正在考虑使用 foreach 循环遍历字符串,但我不确定如何检测它何时是 3、4、5 字母,我知道 正则表达式 可能有帮助,但我不确定如何实现 表达式

string s = "0R   0R  20.0V  100.0V  400.0R    60R  70.0R";

foreach(char c in s)
   // detect 3rd 4th 5th letter in here

首先,让我们在 Linq 的帮助下提取/匹配字母:

using System.Linq;


string[] letters = s
 .Where(c => c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
 .Select(c => c.ToString())


using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;


string[] letters = Regex
  .Matches(s, "[A-Z]")
  .Select(m => m.Value)


string letter3d = letters[3 - 1];  // - 1 : arrays are zero based
string letter4th = letters[4 - 1];
string letter5th = letters[5 - 1];