使用 Epplus 在 Excel 中交替行着色

Alternate rows coloring in Excel using Epplus



            //end.Row is the last row of the excel file
            for (var row = 1; row <= end.Row; row++)
                int pos = row % 2;

                ExcelRow rowRange = BaseSheet.Row(row);
                ExcelFill RowFill = rowRange.Style.Fill;
                RowFill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                    if (pos == 0)
                        RowFill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(233, 233, 233));
                        RowFill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));

并且它按预期工作。 但在我的例子中,我有一些相同的名字,不包括最后的数字,比如(nameB_1,nameB_2)。我能够找到它们并将它们分组:

            List<string> BaseLines = new List<string>();

            for (int row = 1; row <= end.Row; row++)
                //get the filename column
                string fileName = BaseSheet.Cells[row, 1].Value.ToString();

                BaseLines.Add(fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 2));
             var duplicateIndexes = BaseLines
            .Select((t, i) => new { Index = i, Text = t })
            .GroupBy(g => g.Text)
            .Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
            .SelectMany(g => g, (g, x) => x.Index);

它returns它们如下: {Index = 3, Text = "nameB"} {Index = 4, Text = "nameB"}



 for (var row = 1; row < end.Row; row++)
                int pos = row % 2;
                ExcelRow rowRange = BaseSheet.Row(row+1);
                ExcelFill RowFill = rowRange.Style.Fill;
                RowFill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                //get the filename column
                string fileName = BaseSheet.Cells[row, 1].Value.ToString();

                //Get the filename without the last two characters to find continued lines
                string NewfileName = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 2);
                //To find the first instance to take the color from
                var FirstDuplicate = duplicateIndexes .Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0);

                bool isduplicate= false;
                foreach (var item in FirstDuplicate)

                    if (item == row)
                        isduplicate= true;


                if (isduplicate== false)
                    if (pos == 0)
                        RowFill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(233, 233, 233));
                        RowFill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
                    //Get the color of the first instance
                    var Hexcolor = BaseSheet.Cells[row, 1].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.Rgb;
                    Color RGBColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + Hexcolor);
                    //Set the color to the current duplicate




我在 VBA 中找到了类似问题的答案:

我已经针对我目前的情况修改了它,用这个方法替换了整个 for 循环代码:

        public void ColorAlternateRows(ExcelWorksheet sheet)
        int row;
        int lastrow;

        Color color1 = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(233, 233, 233);
        Color color2 = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);

        // "Current" colour for highlighting
        Color currentColor;
        currentColor = color1;

        lastrow = sheet.Dimension.End.Row;

        for (row = 1; row < lastrow; row++)
            //Define the pattern type.
            //The range here is all rows within the excel sheet from A to G column
            sheet.Cells["A" + row + ":G" + row].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

            //Set the color of the row
            sheet.Cells["A" + row + ":G" + row].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(currentColor);

            //get the filename in column A for the first line and second line
            string firstLine = sheet.Cells[row, 1].Value.ToString();
            string secondLine = sheet.Cells[row+1, 1].Value.ToString();

            //get the original filename without the additional suffix numbering
            string firstLineWithoutSuffix = firstLine.Substring(0, firstLine.Length - 2);
            string SecondLineWithoutSuffix = secondLine.Substring(0, secondLine.Length - 2);

            // If column A value in next row is different, change colour
            if (SecondLineWithoutSuffix != firstLineWithoutSuffix)
                    // Set to whichever colour it is not
                    if (currentColor == color1)
                        currentColor = color2;
                        currentColor = color1;