减小 Ubuntu EC2 实例中根 EBS 卷的大小
Decrease the size of root EBS volume in Ubuntu EC2 instance
我在 AWS 上有一个 Ubuntu 18.04 EC2 实例。它有 512 GB 的根 EBS。但仅使用 16 GB 的根安装点。所以我想将 EBS 减少到 20 GB 以节省成本。我不想从头开始重新创建实例。因为在为特定需求构建和配置实例上花费了大量精力。有没有办法在不改变软件和配置的情况下减少根EBS?
Please consider there are many guide for AWS linux, those won't work
for Ubuntu.
Is there any way to reduce the root EBS without changing the softwares and configurations?
遗憾的是没有。您不能按照 AWS docs:
中的说明减小 EBS 卷大小
Decreasing the size of an EBS volume is not supported. However, you can create a smaller volume and then migrate your data to it using an application-level tool such as rsync.
您必须将数据迁移到一个新的、更小的卷。显示了这样做的一般步骤,例如在 Ubuntu 的以下教程中:
Please consider there are many guide for AWS linux, those won't work for Ubuntu.
我在 AWS 上有一个 Ubuntu 18.04 EC2 实例。它有 512 GB 的根 EBS。但仅使用 16 GB 的根安装点。所以我想将 EBS 减少到 20 GB 以节省成本。我不想从头开始重新创建实例。因为在为特定需求构建和配置实例上花费了大量精力。有没有办法在不改变软件和配置的情况下减少根EBS?
Please consider there are many guide for AWS linux, those won't work for Ubuntu.
Is there any way to reduce the root EBS without changing the softwares and configurations?
遗憾的是没有。您不能按照 AWS docs:
中的说明减小 EBS 卷大小Decreasing the size of an EBS volume is not supported. However, you can create a smaller volume and then migrate your data to it using an application-level tool such as rsync.
您必须将数据迁移到一个新的、更小的卷。显示了这样做的一般步骤,例如在 Ubuntu 的以下教程中:
Please consider there are many guide for AWS linux, those won't work for Ubuntu.