Angular ant design ng-Zorro table col 修复问题
Angular ant design ng-Zorro table col fixed issue
我正在为 Ant design table (ng-zorro table) 使用我的 Angular 项目,任何人都知道如何修复页脚栏部分在 table,?如下图
interface ProjectBooked {
key: string;
cName: string;
cTitle: any;
pLocation: string;
conName: any;
sortOrder?: NzTableSortOrder;
sortFn?: NzTableSortFn;
listOfFilter?: NzTableFilterList;
filterFn?: NzTableFilterFn;
filterMultiple?: boolean;
sortDirections?: NzTableSortOrder[];
selector: 'nz-demo-table-multiple-sorter',
template: `
[nzPageSize]="5" [nzScroll]="{ x: '1000px', y: '240px' }">
<th nzCustomFilter nzColumnKey="cName" [nzSortFn]="sortFn"
Company Name
<nz-filter-trigger [(nzVisible)]="visible" [nzActive]="searchValue.length > 0"
<i nz-icon nzType="search"></i>
<th>Position Title</th>
<th>Position Location</th>
<th>Consultant Name</th>
<th nzWidth="100px">Status</th>
<tr *ngFor="let data of">
<td>{{ data.cName }}</td>
<td>{{ data.cTitle }}</td>
<td>{{ data.pLocation }}</td>
<td>{{ data.conName }}</td>
<a><nz-tag [nzColor]="'blue'">Booked</nz-tag></a>
<nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu">
<div class="ant-table-filter-dropdown">
<div class="search-box">
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="Search name" [(ngModel)]="searchValue" />
<button nz-button nzSize="small" nzType="primary" (click)="search()" class="search-button">
<button nz-button nzSize="small" (click)="reset()">Reset</button>
export class NzDemoTableMultipleSorterComponent {
constructor(private i18n: NzI18nService) {}
loading = false;
searchValue = '';
visible = false;
// Project Booked
listOfData: ProjectBooked[] = [
key: '1',
cName: 'OBUSIT ',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
key: '2',
cName: 'OBUSIT TEST ',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
key: '3',
cName: 'OBUSIT University',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
key: '4',
cName: 'OBUSIT Howard University',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
listOfDisplayData = [...this.listOfData];
// Month Picker
date = null;
dateRange = [];
isEnglish = false;
reset(): void {
this.searchValue = '';;
search(): void {
this.visible = false;
this.listOfDisplayData = this.listOfData.filter((item: ProjectBooked) => item.cName.indexOf(this.searchValue) !== -1);
onChange(result: Date): void {
console.log('onChange: ', result);
getWeek(result: Date): void {
console.log('week: ', getISOWeek(result));
changeLanguage(): void {
this.i18n.setLocale(this.isEnglish ? zh_CN : en_US);
this.isEnglish = !this.isEnglish;
ngOnInit(): void {
sortFn = (a: ProjectBooked, b: ProjectBooked) => a.cName.localeCompare(b.cName);
TL;DR -- 没有简单的解决方案。
'last' 行不会总是最后一行,因为您启用了分页。因此,如果您打算让最后一行充当某种摘要,则需要将其从 *ngFor
循环中提取出来,并将其放在行范围之外。一种方法是利用 [nzFooter]
但它需要 TemplateRef
(或字符串),因此您需要使用 that particular row:[=17 创建并填充模板=]
问题在于页脚不符合 [nzScroll]
- 创建另一个没有 header(或隐藏 header)的 table
- 只填充最后一行
- 将这个 table 直接放在原来的 header 上面(显然有一些 space 保留给它)
- 将主 table 的操作委托给新创建的 table,以便排序、过滤等工作。
我正在为 Ant design table (ng-zorro table) 使用我的 Angular 项目,任何人都知道如何修复页脚栏部分在 table,?如下图
interface ProjectBooked {
key: string;
cName: string;
cTitle: any;
pLocation: string;
conName: any;
sortOrder?: NzTableSortOrder;
sortFn?: NzTableSortFn;
listOfFilter?: NzTableFilterList;
filterFn?: NzTableFilterFn;
filterMultiple?: boolean;
sortDirections?: NzTableSortOrder[];
selector: 'nz-demo-table-multiple-sorter',
template: `
[nzPageSize]="5" [nzScroll]="{ x: '1000px', y: '240px' }">
<th nzCustomFilter nzColumnKey="cName" [nzSortFn]="sortFn"
Company Name
<nz-filter-trigger [(nzVisible)]="visible" [nzActive]="searchValue.length > 0"
<i nz-icon nzType="search"></i>
<th>Position Title</th>
<th>Position Location</th>
<th>Consultant Name</th>
<th nzWidth="100px">Status</th>
<tr *ngFor="let data of">
<td>{{ data.cName }}</td>
<td>{{ data.cTitle }}</td>
<td>{{ data.pLocation }}</td>
<td>{{ data.conName }}</td>
<a><nz-tag [nzColor]="'blue'">Booked</nz-tag></a>
<nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu">
<div class="ant-table-filter-dropdown">
<div class="search-box">
<input type="text" nz-input placeholder="Search name" [(ngModel)]="searchValue" />
<button nz-button nzSize="small" nzType="primary" (click)="search()" class="search-button">
<button nz-button nzSize="small" (click)="reset()">Reset</button>
export class NzDemoTableMultipleSorterComponent {
constructor(private i18n: NzI18nService) {}
loading = false;
searchValue = '';
visible = false;
// Project Booked
listOfData: ProjectBooked[] = [
key: '1',
cName: 'OBUSIT ',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
key: '2',
cName: 'OBUSIT TEST ',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
key: '3',
cName: 'OBUSIT University',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
key: '4',
cName: 'OBUSIT Howard University',
cTitle: 'Chief Administrative Officer',
pLocation: 'Washington, DC',
conName: 'Admin',
listOfDisplayData = [...this.listOfData];
// Month Picker
date = null;
dateRange = [];
isEnglish = false;
reset(): void {
this.searchValue = '';;
search(): void {
this.visible = false;
this.listOfDisplayData = this.listOfData.filter((item: ProjectBooked) => item.cName.indexOf(this.searchValue) !== -1);
onChange(result: Date): void {
console.log('onChange: ', result);
getWeek(result: Date): void {
console.log('week: ', getISOWeek(result));
changeLanguage(): void {
this.i18n.setLocale(this.isEnglish ? zh_CN : en_US);
this.isEnglish = !this.isEnglish;
ngOnInit(): void {
sortFn = (a: ProjectBooked, b: ProjectBooked) => a.cName.localeCompare(b.cName);
TL;DR -- 没有简单的解决方案。
'last' 行不会总是最后一行,因为您启用了分页。因此,如果您打算让最后一行充当某种摘要,则需要将其从 *ngFor
循环中提取出来,并将其放在行范围之外。一种方法是利用 [nzFooter]
但它需要 TemplateRef
(或字符串),因此您需要使用 that particular row:[=17 创建并填充模板=]
问题在于页脚不符合 [nzScroll]
- 创建另一个没有 header(或隐藏 header)的 table
- 只填充最后一行
- 将这个 table 直接放在原来的 header 上面(显然有一些 space 保留给它)
- 将主 table 的操作委托给新创建的 table,以便排序、过滤等工作。