在 Mesibo 本地配置中找不到主机名选项

Cannot find hostname option in Mesibo On Premise Configuration

克隆 Messenger 应用程序的教程指出应指定内部部署服务器的主机名:

但是在我的 Mesibo 控制台中,没有输入主机名的选项:

因此我得到一个错误(或者至少我假设它是因为那个): console error

E0608-131427-190 (1): Unable to open /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern (truncate 1) E0608-131427-191 (1): starting mesibo E0608-131427-191 (1): PID: 1 E0608-131427-193 (1): build date: Tue Jul 28 15:17:28 2020 UTC E0608-131427-193 (1): build number: 2591 E0608-131427-193 (1): module_exports_init E0608-131427-193 (1): Local IP count: 2 E0608-131427-193 (1): --> multiple(2) IPs found - listening on all the IPs. If you like to use particular IPs only, set them in configuration using one or more 'ip' fields E0608-131427-200 (1): signal ignored: 17 E0608-131427-200 (1): Local IP Address: E0608-131427-200 (1): Local IP Address: E0608-131427-568 (12): ***************** ERROR *****************

==> Missing Configuration - go to Mesibo console and enter on-premise configuration

E0608-131427-569 (12): on termination: 15 E0608-131427-569 (12): onexit called: 1 0 E0608-131427-569 (12): Deleting all users and saving notifications

现在控制台中没有主机名,所以忽略教程中的那部分并配置其余字段。最新的 mesibo 版本允许您从命令行配置它,它是可选的。
