为什么在使用此 lambda shorthand 时编译器 select 不能使用正确的 String.contains 方法?

Why can't the compiler select the correct String.contains method when using this lambda shorthand?

假设我想检查一个字符串是否包含 any "cory":

def hasCory(input: String): Boolean = {
  val myName = "cory"


error: type mismatch;
found   : CharSequence => Boolean
required: Char => Boolean

Scala 提供了我想要的Char-接受方法in StringOps:


input.exists(c => myName.contains(c))

在原来的例子中,它似乎使用了 Java String's contains method,这确实 接受 CharSequence:

这是否按预期工作?为什么编译器看不到我想要 containsChar 版本?

StringOpsan implicit conversion

@inline implicit def augmentString(x: String): StringOps = new StringOps(x)

并且隐式转换仅适用于in three cases

  1. If an expression is of type , and does not conform to the expression's expected type pt.
  2. In a selection . with of type , if the selector does not denote an accessible member of .
  3. In a selection .(args) with of type , if the selector denotes some member(s) of , but none of these members is applicable to the arguments args.

当你写 myName.contains 时,它是三种情况中的 none(特别是,
不是第二种情况,因为 contains String) 的可访问成员,所以 StringOps 不能应用,它是 String#contains(CharSequence) 和类型不匹配错误。

当你写myName.contains(_)c => myName.contains(c)时是第3种情况所以StringOps可以应用并且隐式转换后是StringOps#contains(Char)
