如何在 "setInterval" 的不同 if 语句中使用 "clearInterval"

How to use "clearInterval" in a different if statement to the "setInterval"

我已经尝试搜索其他示例,以自行解决此问题,但我对一般编码还很陌生,而且我对 java 脚本也很陌生,所以我提前为任何问题道歉我犯的愚蠢错误。

基本上,我正在学习 javascript,我认为一种很好的交互式学习方式是制作一个 discord 机器人,这样我就可以“看到”我的努力得到回报,从而保持我的动力。我认为一个基本的垃圾邮件机器人将是一个很好的起点,让我熟悉最基本的方面。



client.on('message', message => {           //reacting when ever the 'message' EVENT occurs (e.g. a message is sent on a text channel in discord)

console.log('A message was detected and this is my reaction');
console.log(message.author + ' also knows as ' + message.author.username + ' said:\t' + message.content);       //message.author is the value of the person who sent the message, message.content is the content of the message

if(message.author.bot) {
    return null                 //returns nothing if the message author is the bot

} else if (message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}spam`)) {
    let timerId = setInterval(() => {                                           //starts to spams the channel
    }, 1500);   

} else if (message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}stop`)) {

    message.channel.send('condition met');





, the let 关键字所述,在当前块作用域中声明了一个变量,使其他块作用域(另一个 else if 块)无法访问该变量。

要解决此问题,您需要在全局范围内声明变量 timerId,以便所有其他块范围都可以访问它:

let timerId; // declare timer in global scope

client.on('message', message => {           //reacting when ever the 'message' EVENT occurs (e.g. a message is sent on a text channel in discord)

console.log('A message was detected and this is my reaction');
console.log(message.author + ' also knows as ' + message.author.username + ' said:\t' + message.content);       //message.author is the value of the person who sent the message, message.content is the content of the message

if(message.author.bot) {
    return null                 //returns nothing if the message author is the bot

} else if (message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}spam`)) {
    timerId = setInterval(() => {                                           //starts to spams the channel
    }, 1500);   

} else if (message.content.startsWith(`${prefix}stop`)) {

    message.channel.send('condition met');
