HTML5 最大值和值的进度范围:值太大?

HTML5 progress range of max and value: too large values?

考虑以下 MWE:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Progress test</title>


<progress id="progress"></progress>

progress.max = 10000000000;
progress.value = 10000000000 / 2;


这曾经适用于 Internet Explorer、Mozilla Firefox、Google Chrome 和 Opera。但是今天我意识到它不再适用于Google Chrome;显然,值 10000000000 和 10000000000 / 2 太大了。

这让我想知道官方规范对此有何评论。他们是否保证这么大的数字应该有效(在这种情况下,Google Chrome 中存在错误),或者我的数字是否高于保证有效的最大值(在这种情况下,我很幸运它可以在 IE 和 FF 中运行)?

HTML5 specification says about the progress element:

The value and max attributes, when present, must have values that are valid floating-point numbers.

A floating-point number 定义为:

A string is a valid floating-point number if it consists of:

Optionally, a "-" (U+002D) character. One or both of the following, in the given order: A series of one or more ASCII digits. A single "." (U+002E) character. A series of one or more ASCII digits. Optionally: Either a "e" (U+0065) character or a "E" (U+0045) character. Optionally, a "-" (U+002D) character or "+" (U+002B) character. A series of one or more ASCII digits.

后来说,解析浮点数值的算法应该从IEEE 754双精度浮点数的集合中选择一个值。


biggest integer that can be stored in a double

IEEE 754 双精度的最大值约为 1.8 × 10^308。所以你的数字 10000000000 基本上足够小,可以用 IEEE 754 双精度表示,任何有效的 HTML5 浏览器都应该正确解释。