如何在非 WinForms 程序集中抽取 STA 线程?

How can you pump a STA Thread in a non-WinForms assembly?

Hans 给出了关于泵送 STA 线程的这个很好的答案:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

class STAThread : IDisposable {
    public STAThread() {
        using (mre = new ManualResetEvent(false)) {
            thread = new Thread(() => {
                Application.Idle += Initialize;
            thread.IsBackground = true;
    public void BeginInvoke(Delegate dlg, params Object[] args) {
        if (ctx == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException("STAThread");
        ctx.Post((_) => dlg.DynamicInvoke(args), null);
    public object Invoke(Delegate dlg, params Object[] args) {
        if (ctx == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException("STAThread");
        object result = null;
        ctx.Send((_) => result = dlg.DynamicInvoke(args), null);
        return result;
    protected virtual void Initialize(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current;
        Application.Idle -= Initialize;
    public void Dispose() {
        if (ctx != null) {
            ctx.Send((_) => Application.ExitThread(), null);
            ctx = null;
    private Thread thread;
    private SynchronizationContext ctx;
    private ManualResetEvent mre;

但它依赖于像 Application.Run 这样的调用,它是一个 Windows 表单 class,我不认为我想要在非 UI 静态库中。


您可以使用 Stephen Cleary 的 Nito.AsyncEx.Context nuget 中的 AsyncContextThread。来自其 github description

AsyncContextThread provides properties that can be used to schedule tasks on that thread.

nuget 包含 SynchronizationContext 的自定义实现,因此可以轻松重写代码,例如如:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Nito.AsyncEx;

class STAThread : IDisposable
    public STAThread()
        ctx = new AsyncContextThread();

    public void BeginInvoke(Delegate dlg, params Object[] args)
            .Post((_) => dlg.DynamicInvoke(args), null);

    public object Invoke(Delegate dlg, params Object[] args)
        object result = null;
            .Send((_) => result = dlg.DynamicInvoke(args), null);
        return result;
    public void Dispose()

    private readonly AsyncContextThread ctx;

顺便说一句,从 this MSDN article 开始,并非所有 SynchronizationContext 的实现都保证委托将在特定线程上执行,而 WinForms 和 WPF SynchronizationContext 保证,默认和 ASP.NET 没有。