Roslyn 中事件的“raise”访问器是什么?

What is an event's “raise” accessor in Roslyn?

Roslyn 的 IEventSymbol 提供了对事件声明的所有相关部分的便捷访问。虽然 AddMethodRemoveMethod 很容易理解,但我不确定 RaiseMethod 应该是什么。文档也有点解析。

C# 规范仅提及为事件添加和删除访问器。这可能是其他 CLR 语言允许指定的内容吗?

我在 Roslyn 源代码中找到 this

internal abstract partial class EventSymbol : Symbol, IEventSymbol

    IMethodSymbol IEventSymbol.RaiseMethod
            // C# doesn't have raise methods for events.
            return null;


看起来它实际上适用于 Visual Basic:

An event is like a message announcing that something important has occurred. The act of broadcasting the message is called raising the event. In Visual Basic, you raise events with the RaiseEvent statement, as in the following example:

RaiseEvent AnEvent(EventNumber)

Events must be raised within the scope of the class, module, or structure where they are declared. For example, a derived class cannot raise events inherited from a base class.

查看 Roslyn source for VB,还有 很多 RaiseMethod 属性.


VB 规范在第 9.4.1 节中明确提到了 RaiseEvent 访问器 自定义事件:

Custom events are declared in the same way that events that specify a delegate type are declared, with the exception that the keyword Custom must precede the Event keyword. A custom event declaration contains three declarations: an AddHandler declaration, a RemoveHandler declaration and a RaiseEvent declaration. None of the declarations can have any modifiers, although they can have attributes. For example:

Class Test
    Private Handlers As EventHandler

    Public Custom Event TestEvent As EventHandler
        AddHandler(value As EventHandler)
            Handlers = CType([Delegate].Combine(Handlers, value), _
        End AddHandler

        RemoveHandler(value as EventHandler)
            Handlers = CType([Delegate].Remove(Handlers, value), _
        End RemoveHandler

        RaiseEvent(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
            Dim TempHandlers As EventHandler = Handlers

            If TempHandlers IsNot Nothing Then
                TempHandlers(sender, e)
            End If
        End RaiseEvent
    End Event
End Class