
How to combine rows together where only one column is different between rows


有时附加的收据附加到 header 级别而不是行级别,因此输出是每个费用行运行两次的行,因为它无法映射确切的收据附件。

如何组合 'receipt name' 以便它可以聚合成一行。我需要它,以便我可以查找与费用行匹配的确切收据。

请参阅下面的 table。

Claimant  Claim_Date  Claim_Number  Description  Amount  Receipt_Name
Name A    01/08/20    10001         Coffee       £4.00   Coffee at Star.jpg
Name B    02/08/20    10002         Stationery   £20.00  Stationery Receipt.jpg
Name B    02/08/20    10002         Stationery   £20.00  Laptop.jpg
Name B    02/08/20    10002         Laptop Buy   £600.00 Stationery Receipt.jpg
Name B    02/08/20    10002         Laptop Buy   £600.00 Laptop.jpg
Name C    02/08/20    10003         Biscuits     £10.00  Mcv's.jpg
Name A    02/08/20    10004         Office Wear  £100.00 Suitsonline.jpg


   Claimant  Claim_Date  Claim_Number  Description  Amount  Receipt_Name
    Name A    01/08/20    10001         Coffee       £4.00   Coffee at Star.jpg
    Name B    02/08/20    10002         Stationery   £20.00  Stationery Receipt.jpg, Laptop.jpg
    Name B    02/08/20    10002         Laptop Buy   £600.00 Stationery Receipt.jpg, Laptop.jpg
    Name C    02/08/20    10003         Biscuits     £10.00  Mcv's.jpg
    Name A    02/08/20    10004         Office Wear  £100.00 Suitsonline.jpg

我尝试过使用 LISTAGG 并尝试过按功能分组。


select  claimant.display_name claimant, 
    expr.report_submit_date claim_date,
    expr.expense_report_num claim_number,
    exp.description description,
    round(exp.receipt_amount * exp.exchange_rate,2) amount,
    case when linefndtl.file_name IS NULL then fndtl.file_name
    when fndtl.file_name IS NULL then linefndtl.file_name
    when fndtl.file_name IS NULL AND linefndtl.file_name IS NULL then 'Missing'
    END Expense_File_Name,
-- Main Sources
from exm_expense_reports expr  
left join exm_expenses exp on exp.expense_report_id = expr.expense_report_id
left join exm_expense_dists expdist on expdist.expense_report_id = exp.expense_report_id 
                                    and expdist.expense_id = exp.expense_id

-- Claimant
left join per_person_names_f_v claimant on claimant.person_id = expr.person_id 
                                        and trunc(sysdate) between claimant.effective_start_date and  claimant.effective_end_date

-- Attachment at Header
left join exm_expenses headerexmexpenses on headerexmexpenses.expense_id = exp.itemization_parent_expense_id
left join fnd_attached_documents fndad on to_char(headerexmexpenses.expense_id) = fndad.pk1_value
left join fnd_documents_tl fndtl on fndtl.document_id = fndad.document_id
-- Attachment at Line
left join fnd_attached_documents linefndad on to_char(exp.expense_id) = linefndad.pk1_value
left join fnd_documents_tl linefndtl on linefndad.document_id = linefndtl.document_id
where 1 = 1
    and nvl(exp.itemization_parent_expense_id, 1) <> -1



我认为 LISTAGG 可以胜任。

TEST CTE 代表您当前的数据。第 11 行之后显示它 有效 .

SQL> with test (Claimant, Claim_Date, Claim_Number, Description, Amount, Receipt_Name) as
  2  (select
  3  'Name A',    '01/08/20',    10001,         'Coffee'       ,4   ,'Coffee at Star.jpg' from dual union all select
  4  'Name B',    '02/08/20',    10002,         'Stationery'   ,20  ,'Stationery Receipt.jpg' from dual union all select
  5  'Name B',    '02/08/20',    10002,         'Stationery'   ,20  ,'Laptop.jpg' from dual union all select
  6  'Name B',    '02/08/20',    10002,         'Laptop Buy'   ,600 ,'Stationery Receipt.jpg' from dual union all select
  7  'Name B',    '02/08/20',    10002,         'Laptop Buy'   ,600 ,'Laptop.jpg' from dual union all select
  8  'Name C',    '02/08/20',    10003,         'Biscuits'     ,10  ,'Mcv''s.jpg' from dual union all select
  9  'Name A',    '02/08/20',    10004,         'Office Wear'  ,100 ,'Suitsonline.jpg' from dual
 10  )
 11  select claimant, claim_date, claim_number,
 12    description, amount,
 13    listagg(receipt_name, ', ') within group (order by receipt_name) receipt_name
 14  from test
 15  group by Claimant, Claim_Date, Claim_Number, Description, Amount
 16  order by claimant;

------ -------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------
Name A 01/08/20        10001 Coffee               4 Coffee at Star.jpg
Name A 02/08/20        10004 Office Wear        100 Suitsonline.jpg
Name B 02/08/20        10002 Laptop Buy         600 Laptop.jpg, Stationery Receipt.jpg
Name B 02/08/20        10002 Stationery          20 Laptop.jpg, Stationery Receipt.jpg
Name C 02/08/20        10003 Biscuits            10 Mcv's.jpg


最简单的方法是将当前查询用作 CTE,并将查询的其余部分(从第 11 行开始,对吧?)应用到它。