如何使用 Python 搜索和替换 excel (.xls) 文件中的字符串?

How to search and replace string in excel (.xls) file using Python?

我正在尝试在 excel 文件 (xls) 中使用搜索和替换字符串,实际上 - 我需要查找字符串并在前缀 * 之前添加。 例如


LVdemact = {'two': two_replaced, 'six': six_replaced, 'five': five_replaced}
NameError: name 'two_replaced' is not defined


from xlrd import open_workbook
from xlutils.copy import copy
import xlsxwriter

rb = open_workbook("template.xlsx")

# Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet.
wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook('Updated_Workbook1.xlsx')
ws = wb.add_worksheet()

s_orig = rb.sheet_by_index(0)

LVdemact = {'two': two_replaced, 'six': six_replaced, 'five': five_replaced,}

for row in range(s_orig.nrows):
    for col in range(s_orig.ncols):
        if s_orig.cell(row,col).value in LVdemact:
            # s.write(row, col, LVdemact[item])
            ws.write(row, col, LVdemact[s_orig.cell(row,col).value])
            ws.write(row, col, s_orig.cell(row,col).value)


df = pd.DataFrame() # Your dataframe

for column in df.select_dtypes('object'):
    df[column] = df[column].str.replace('toreplace','newword')

问题在行 - LVdemact = {'two': two_replaced, 'six': six_replaced, 'five': five_replaced,}

变量 two_replacedsix_replacedfive_replaced 未定义。你想让它成为一个字符串吗?然后以这种方式定义 -

LVdemact = {'two': 'two_replaced', 'six': 'six_replaced', 'five': 'five_replaced'}