rep 中的错误:尝试复制 'closure' 类型的对象(if 语句中的箱线图)

Error in rep: attempt to replicate an object of type 'closure' (Boxplots in if statements)

我有一个代码可以制作箱线图制作工具。它非常接近工作(感谢这个网站上的一群人)。我现在遇到的问题是,每当我 运行 代码时,我都会收到 Error in rep: attempt to replicate an object of type 'closure' 警告。堆栈跟踪显示它直接来自制作箱线图的代码行(以 运行s 为准)。问题是我不能在 if 语句中包含箱线图吗?我觉得那不是真的。您能提供的任何帮助将不胜感激。这是代码:

All_Data <- data.frame(
    Name = as.character(c("Jeff","Bob","Greg")),
    Year = c(2015,2015,2015),
    Bacteria = c("A","B","C"),
    Site = c("C1","C1","C1"),
    Percents = c(1,2,4),
stringsasfactors = TRUE
ndata <-data.frame(
    Name = as.character("Preset"),
    Year = c("0"),
    Bacteria = as.factor(c("0")),
    Site = as.factor(c("0")),
    Percents = as.numeric(c("0")),
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE
Names <- c("Jeff", "Bob", "Greg")
Years <- c("0")
names(Years)<-c("2015 C2")
Sites <- c("","C1")
# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(
    # Application title
    titlePanel("ISAMR DNA Group Boxplot Maker"),
    # Sidebar
        sidebarPanel(width = 4,
                     h3("Which Data Sets Would You Like to Compare?"),
                     selectInput("Set1", "", choices = c(Sites, Years, Names)),
                     selectInput("Set2", "",choices = c(Sites, Years, Names)),
                     selectInput("factor","Based on Which Factor?", choices = c("Year", "Site", "Bacteria", "Site by Year", "Bacteria by Year", "Bacteria by Site by Year")),
                     textInput("title", h4("Title"), placeholder = "Enter title..."),
                     numericInput("numcol","How many colors?",value=1,min=1,max=5),
                     h4("Pick the colors you want, leave the rest blank."),
                     selectInput("col1","",choices = c("",colors())),
                     selectInput("col2","",choices = c("",colors())),
                     selectInput("col3","",choices = c("",colors())),
                     selectInput("col4","",choices = c("",colors())),
                     selectInput("col5","",choices = c("",colors())),
                     actionButton("Submit", "Submit")
        # Show a chosen plot

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
    createframe<-eventReactive(input$Submit, {req(input$Submit)
        if (input$Set1 %in% Names & input$Set2 %in% Names){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Name == input$Set1 | All_Data$Name == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Names & input$Set1 %in% Years){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Name == input$Set1 | All_Data$Year == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Names & input$Set1 %in% Sites){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Name == input$Set1 | All_Data$Site == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Years & input$Set1 %in% Names){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site == input$Set1 | All_Data$Name == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Years & input$Set2 %in% Years){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Year == input$Set1 | All_Data$Year == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Years & input$Set2 %in% Sites){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Year == input$Set1 | All_Data$Site == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Sites & input$Set1 %in% Names){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site == input$Set1 | All_Data$Name == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Sites & input$Set1 %in% Years){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site == input$Set1 | All_Data$Year == input$Set2)
        else if (input$Set1 %in% Sites & input$Set1 %in% Sites){
            ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site == input$Set1 | All_Data$Site == input$Set2)
        }   })
    output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({
        if (input$numcol == 1){coll<-c(input$col1)}
        if (input$numcol == 2){coll<-c(input$col1,input$col2)}
        if (input$numcol == 3){coll<-c(input$col1,input$col2,input$col13)}
        if (input$numcol == 4){coll<-c(input$col1,input$col2,input$col3,input$col4)}
        if (input$numcol == 5){coll<-c(input$col1,input$col2,input$col3,input$col4,input$col5)}
        output$plot <- renderPlot(
        if (input$factor == "Year"){
                boxplot(Percents ~ Year, data = ndata, main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll)
        else if (input$factor == "Site"){
                boxplot(Percents ~ Site, data = ndata, main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll)   
        else if (input$factor == "Bacteria"){
                boxplot(Percents ~ Bacteria, data = ndata, main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll)
        else if (input$factor == "Site by Year"){
                boxplot(Percents ~ Year%in%Site, data = ndata, main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll)
        else if (input$factor == "Bacteria by Year"){
                boxplot(Percents ~ Year%in%Bacteria, data = ndata, main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll)
        else if (input$factor == "Bacteria by Site by Year"){
                boxplot(Percents ~ Year%in%Site%in%Bacteria, data = ndata, main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll)

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ggrepel_0.8.2   ggthemes_4.2.0  shiny_1.5.0     dslabs_0.7.3    forcats_0.5.0   stringr_1.4.0   dplyr_1.0.0     purrr_0.3.4     readr_1.3.1    
[10] tidyr_1.1.0     tibble_3.0.3    ggplot2_3.3.2   tidyverse_1.3.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.5        lubridate_1.7.9   assertthat_0.2.1  digest_0.6.25     mime_0.9          R6_2.4.1          cellranger_1.1.0  backports_1.1.7  
 [9] reprex_0.3.0      httr_1.4.1        pillar_1.4.6      rlang_0.4.7       readxl_1.3.1      rstudioapi_0.11   blob_1.2.1        DT_0.14          
[17] labeling_0.3      htmlwidgets_1.5.1 munsell_0.5.0     tinytex_0.24      broom_0.7.0       compiler_4.0.2    httpuv_1.5.4      modelr_0.1.8     
[25] xfun_0.15         pkgconfig_2.0.3   htmltools_0.5.0   sourcetools_0.1.7 tidyselect_1.1.0  fansi_0.4.1       crayon_1.3.4      dbplyr_1.4.4     
[33] withr_2.2.0       later_1.1.0.1     grid_4.0.2        jsonlite_1.7.0    xtable_1.8-4      gtable_0.3.0      lifecycle_0.2.0   DBI_1.1.0        
[41] magrittr_1.5      scales_1.1.1      cli_2.0.2         stringi_1.4.6     farver_2.0.3      fs_1.4.2          promises_1.1.1    xml2_1.3.2       
[49] ellipsis_0.3.1    generics_0.0.2    vctrs_0.3.2       tools_4.0.2       glue_1.4.1        hms_0.5.3         crosstalk_1.1.0.1 rsconnect_0.8.16 
[57] fastmap_1.0.1     yaml_2.2.1        colorspace_1.4-1  rvest_0.3.5       haven_2.3.1      


Warning: Error in rep: attempt to replicate an object of type 'closure'
  174: pcycle
  173: bxp
  171: boxplot.default
  169: boxplot.formula
  167: renderPlot [C:\Users\pferr\Desktop\Test/app.R#102]
  165: func
  125: drawPlot
  111: <reactive:plotObj>
   95: drawReactive
   82: origRenderFunc
   81: output$plot
    1: runApp

你有几个问题。首先,颜色定义是一个问题。缺少选择也导致了问题。所以,我把它变成了一个反应性的。其次,您在箱线图中使用 ndata 作为数据。一旦你修复它们,它就可以正常工作。请看下面的代码。


ndata <-data.frame(
  Name = as.character("Preset"),
  Year = c("0"),
  Bacteria = as.factor(c("0")),
  Site = as.factor(c("0")),
  Percents = as.numeric(c("0")),
  stringsAsFactors = TRUE
Names <- c("Jeff", "Bob", "Greg")
Years <- c("0")
names(Years)<-c("2015 C2")
Sites <- c("","C1")
# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(

  # Application title
  titlePanel("ISAMR DNA Group Boxplot Maker"),

  # Sidebar
    sidebarPanel(width = 4,
                 h3("Which Data Sets Would You Like to Compare?"),
                 selectInput("Set1", "", choices = c(Sites, Years, Names)),
                 selectInput("Set2", "",choices = c(Sites, Years, Names)),
                 selectInput("factor","Based on Which Factor?", 
                             choices = c("Year", "Site", "Bacteria", "Site by Year", "Bacteria by Year", "Bacteria by Site by Year")),
                 textInput("title", h4("Title"), placeholder = "Enter title..."),
                 numericInput("numcol","How many colors?",value=1,min=1,max=5),
                 h4("Pick the colors you want, leave the rest blank."),
                 selectInput("col1","",choices = c(colors())),
                 selectInput("col2","",choices = c(colors())),
                 selectInput("col3","",choices = c(colors())),
                 selectInput("col4","",choices = c(colors())),
                 selectInput("col5","",choices = c(colors())),
                 actionButton("Submit", "Submit")

    # Show a chosen plot

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {

  All_Data <- data.frame(
    Name = as.character(c("Jeff","Bob","Greg")),
    Year = c(2015,2015,2015),
    Bacteria = c("A","B","C"),
    Site = c("C1","C1","C1"),
    Percents = c(1,2,4),
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE

    if (input$Set1 %in% Names & input$Set2 %in% Names){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Name %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Name %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Names & input$Set2 %in% Years){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Name %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Year %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Names & input$Set2 %in% Sites){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Name %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Site %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Years & input$Set2 %in% Names){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Name %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Years & input$Set2 %in% Years){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Year %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Year %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Years & input$Set2 %in% Sites){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Year %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Site %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Sites & input$Set2 %in% Names){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Name %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Sites & input$Set2 %in% Years){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Year %in% input$Set2)
    else if (input$Set1 %in% Sites & input$Set2 %in% Sites){
      ndata <- filter(All_Data, All_Data$Site %in% input$Set1 | All_Data$Site %in% input$Set2)
    }else{ndata <- NULL}

  output$data <- DT::renderDataTable({

  coll <- reactive({
    if   (is.null(input$numcol)) {coll <- c("red")
    }else if (input$numcol == 1) {coll <- c(input$col1)
    }else if (input$numcol == 2) {coll <- c(input$col1,input$col2)
    }else if (input$numcol == 3) {coll <- c(input$col1,input$col2,input$col13)
    }else if (input$numcol == 4) {coll <- c(input$col1,input$col2,input$col3,input$col4)
    }else if (input$numcol == 5) {coll <- c(input$col1,input$col2,input$col3,input$col4,input$col5)
    }else                        {coll <- c("orange")}

  observeEvent(input$Submit, {

    if (is.null(input$factor) | input$Submit==0){

      output$plot <- renderPlot({

        if (input$factor == "Year"){
          boxplot(Percents ~ Year, data = dframe(), main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll())
        }else if (input$factor == "Site"){
          boxplot(Percents ~ Site, data = dframe(), main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll())
        }else if (input$factor == "Bacteria"){
          boxplot(Percents ~ Bacteria, data = dframe(), main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll())
        }else if (input$factor == "Site by Year"){
          boxplot(Percents ~ Year%in%Site, data = dframe(), main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll())
        }else if (input$factor == "Bacteria by Year"){
          boxplot(Percents ~ Year%in%Bacteria, data = dframe(), main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll())
        }else if (input$factor == "Bacteria by Site by Year"){
          boxplot(Percents ~ Year%in%Site%in%Bacteria, data = dframe(), main = input$title, ylab = "Relative Abundance", col = coll())
        }else {return(NULL)}



# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)