如何添加本地存储以在 Gatsby 中保留暗模式主题

How to add local storage to persist dark mode theme in Gatsby


const setTheme = type => {
  localStorage.setItem("theme", setState({ ...state, theme: type === "dark" ? theme.light : theme.dark })
const initState = {
  theme: localStorage.getItem("theme"),
  setTheme: setTheme,
const [state, setState] = useState(initState)


export const ThemeContext = React.createContext({
      theme: {
      setTheme: () => {},
export const ThemeContextProvider = props => {
      const theme = {
        light: {
        dark: {
      const setTheme = type => {
        setState({ ...state, theme: type === "dark" ? theme.light : theme.dark })
      const initState = {
        theme: theme.light,
        setTheme: setTheme,
      const [state, setState] = useState(initState)
      return (
        <ThemeContext.Provider value={state}>


const setTheme = type => {
  localStorage.setItem("theme", setState({ ...state, theme: type === "dark" ? theme.light : theme.dark })

您想在 localstorage 中设置一个项目,但却在 setItem 函数中设置 React 状态?


  • 不要在 localStorage.setItem 函数中设置 React 状态
  • 您只能在 localStorage 中保存字符串化值。如果不将 JavaScript 对象转换为 json 字符串,则无法保存它。


const setTheme = type => {
  localStorage.setItem("theme", state.theme }); // only save the theme value "dark" or "light" as a string

您需要根据localStorage或initialState中的值触发设置状态。为此使用 useffect 告诉你怎么做。