
Given a list of sublists of ordered pairs (hops), how can I count the number of paths through list (each path is a sequence of hops)

我有一个有序对列表列表 [[(1,2), (3,3), (7,5)],[(2,3), (3,2), (6,4), (2,4)]](不一定是 2 个子列表)。每个有序对对应一个有效路径(例如,对于 (1,2),从节点 1 到节点 2),每个子列表对应一个级别。我想找到列表中的路径数,以便我始终遵循有序的路径对。

对于上面的示例,(1,2), (2,3)(1,2), (2,4)(3,3), (3,2)都是有效路径。因此,程序将输出 3.

我正在考虑对每个列表的第二个值进行哈希处理,关键是左对的数量({2: 1, 3: 1, 5:1}),但这似乎效率很低,因为我必须以某种方式乘以前一个列表迭代的键出现在当前列表迭代的值中的次数。

这似乎类似于图形遍历问题,但 DFS 需要很大的 space 复杂度(计算有序对的函数 returns 一次计算一个子列表而不是完整列表)。




  1. 为简单起见,让我们使用一个简单的示例:
let, input = [[(1, 2), (4, 2)], [(2, 3)]]

Now, let's think about, how many ways are there to reach node 3. Well,
there are (1, 2, 3) and (4, 2, 3), so two ways to reach 3.
  1. 现在,我们如何简单地表达,the number of ways to reach 3
Note: reaching 3, requires the knowledge of reaching 2.
So, we'll try to express the number of reaching 3 in terms of reaching 2.
And, knowledge of number of reaching 2 can be obtained from previous
level's information. We can say like below:
If there is a pair (u, v), then, pres_ways[v] += prev_ways[u].
Here, "pres_ways[x]" denotes, present level's ways of reaching "any node x"
and   "prev_ways[x]" denotes, previous level's ways of reaching "any node x"




# note: "ll" denotes lists of lists i.e. the input
# save your input in "ll"

# ll = [[(x, y)], [(u, v)]]

# let's assume, nodes are numbered from 1 to n

n = 7 # change the number as necessary or take input from file, as you wish

# initial state
prev = [0] * (n+1)
for u, v in ll[0]:
    prev[u] = 1

for l in ll:
    pres = [0] * (n+1)
    for u, v in l:
        pres[v] += prev[u]
    prev = pres

tot = 0
for i in range(1, n+1):
    tot += prev[i]
    print("The number of ways to reach {} is {}".format(i, prev[i]))

print("total: {}".format(tot))




ll = [
    [(1, 2), (3, 3), (7, 5)],
    [(2, 3), (3, 2), (6, 4), (2, 4)]


The number of ways to reach 1 is 0
The number of ways to reach 2 is 1
The number of ways to reach 3 is 1
The number of ways to reach 4 is 1
The number of ways to reach 5 is 0
The number of ways to reach 6 is 0
The number of ways to reach 7 is 0
total: 3

此解决方案的复杂度为 O(n * k),其中 n 是节点数,k 是子列表数。