生成的 Vertx Service Proxy 类 中使用了哪种消息通信模式?

Which message communication pattern is used in generated Vertx Service Proxy classes?


  1. 点对点
  2. 请求-回复
  3. Publish/Subscribe ... 用于 Vert.X 服务代理 类 用于 RESTful CRUD 应用程序(它有 4 个与 DatabaseVerticle 通信的 HttpServerVerticles 并且已部署通过 MainVerticle)? 提前谢谢你。

我认为它是 Request-Reply,因为它发送 Http 请求并接收 Http 响应,因为在“Vert.x in action”它指出(在第 3.1.4 章):

If you need message consumers to get back to the entity that sent the event then go for request-reply. 


TL;DR: Request-Reply

如果您查看服务代理 (https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-service-proxy/java/) 的文档,您会在开始时看到它使您免于执行以下“boiler-plate”代码:

JsonObject message = new JsonObject();
message.put("collection", "mycollection")
    .put("document", new JsonObject().put("name", "tim"));
DeliveryOptions options = new DeliveryOptions().addHeader("action", "save");
vertx.eventBus().request("database-service-address", message, options, res2 -> {
  if (res2.succeeded()) {
    // done
  } else {
    // failure

同样来自同一个 link:

A service is described with a Java interface containing methods following the async pattern. Under the hood, messages are sent on the event bus to invoke the service and get the response back. But for ease of use, it generates a proxy that you can invoke directly (using the API from the service interface).