Unity : can I change the shape of a mesh collider at runtime?
我找到了以下视频here,但通过执行 meshCollider.sharedMesh = null
然后 meshCollider.sharedMesh = updatedMesh
没办法做到这一点,因为对撞机没有为此的构造函数。你正在做的事情在 unity 文档中被明确反对
'You should not modify mesh geometry that is used for colliders because the physics engine has to rebuild an internal mesh collision acceleration structure every time you change the mesh. This causes a substantial performance overhead. For meshes that need to collide and change at runtime, it is often better to approximate the mesh shape with primitive colliders like capsules, spheres and boxes.'
一个解决方法是在你的方法上使用 InvokeRepeating 并每秒而不是每一帧创建一个新的网格碰撞器(你可以测试并使其成为 0.1 秒,2 秒,任何可以 运行 没有帧丢失).您可以在对象完成移动后调用 CancelInvoke。
我找到了以下视频here,但通过执行 meshCollider.sharedMesh = null
然后 meshCollider.sharedMesh = updatedMesh
没办法做到这一点,因为对撞机没有为此的构造函数。你正在做的事情在 unity 文档中被明确反对
'You should not modify mesh geometry that is used for colliders because the physics engine has to rebuild an internal mesh collision acceleration structure every time you change the mesh. This causes a substantial performance overhead. For meshes that need to collide and change at runtime, it is often better to approximate the mesh shape with primitive colliders like capsules, spheres and boxes.'
一个解决方法是在你的方法上使用 InvokeRepeating 并每秒而不是每一帧创建一个新的网格碰撞器(你可以测试并使其成为 0.1 秒,2 秒,任何可以 运行 没有帧丢失).您可以在对象完成移动后调用 CancelInvoke。