字符串内容不会在与字符串声明相同的方法中被替换。 (JDA)

String contents not being replaced within the same method as string declaration. (JDA)


public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) {

    String id = "discord userid String";
    long idlong = Long.parseLong(id);
    String generatedString = RandomStringUtils.random(15, true, true);
    StringBuilder stored = new StringBuilder(15);

   //password generator
    if (event.getMessage().getContentRaw().equalsIgnoreCase("!passwordgen")) {
        if (stored.toString().isEmpty() == true || idlong == 
        event.getMessage().getAuthor().getIdLong()) {
            stored.replace(0, 14, generatedString);

            User user = event.getMessage().getAuthor();
                .sendMessage("Your new password is: " + stored + ". You can change your password 
                in the future with !setpassword <currentpassword>.").queue();
            else {
                event.getChannel().sendMessage("You do not have permission to generate a new password  
                and/or an initial password has already been set.").queue();
        //set password command      
        if (event.getMessage().getContentRaw().startsWith("!setpassword")) {    
            char[] chararr = event.getMessage().getContentRaw().toCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < chararr.length; i++) {
                if (chararr[i] == ' ') {
                    passwordkeyed += event.getMessage().getContentRaw().substring(13);
            if (passwordkeyed.equals(stored.toString()) && !(passwordkeyed.isEmpty())) {
                stored.replace(0, 14, generatedString); //replaces random password from !passwordgen 
               // with new random password
                event.getChannel().sendMessage("Stored: " + stored).queue();
                event.getChannel().sendMessage("Check your DMs!").queue();
                User user1 = event.getMessage().getAuthor();
                    .sendMessage("Your new password is: " + stored).queue();  
                if (!(passwordkeyed.equals(stored.toString()))) {
                event.getChannel().sendMessage("Incorrect password. Stored: " + stored).queue();
                if (stored.toString().isEmpty()) {
                event.getChannel().sendMessage("Please use !passwordgen to generate an initial password.").queue();

出于某种原因,在 //password generator 部分中,stored 被替换为随机字符串就好了,但是当您使用 !setpassword 命令输入该密码时,stored 是空的,所以它就像我在密码生成器部分中使用的 replace 方法没有被保存,即使 StringBuilder 具有该方法的适当范围。 我一直在尝试这样做。我已经尝试使用 String、StringBuilder 和 StringBuffer 来查看是否有不同的结果但都具有相同的输出。


!passwordgen //discord bot command

Your new password is: h50uSKlrWa30Q40. You can change your password in the future with !setpassword 
<currentpassword>. //private message to whoever ran the command

!setpassword h50uSKlrWa30Q40 //discord bot command

Incorrect password. Stored:
Please use !passwordgen to generate an initial password.


 !passwordgen //discord bot command

Your new password is: h50uSKlrWa30Q40. You can change your password in the future with !setpassword 
<currentpassword>. //private message to whoever ran the command

!setpassword h50uSKlrWa30Q40 //discord bot command

Stored: 2Fx8buVxpIEyNYX
Check your DMs!

Your new password is: 2Fx8buVxpIEyNYX //private message to whoever ran the command



StringBuilder stored = new StringBuilder(15);

String stored = "";

尝试将其添加到 public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) 上方:

private String Stored = "";



此外,尝试添加一条语句,在代码中的随机点将当前存储的字符串发送到 dms 中,这就是我所说的打印 - 调试,以便简单地查看值何时更改以减少我们的搜索。