
Pygame mouse speed

我是编码新手,pygame 我正在寻找代码来检查鼠标是否以特定速度移动。如果是,那就退出游戏。

if the mouse speed is greater than say 10 pixels per second
     Run = False




previous_mouse_position = None
previous_sample_time    = None

current_mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if ( previous_mouse_position != current_mouse_pos ):
    # mouse has moved
    pixels_movement = distance( previous_mouse_position, current_mouse_pos )
    time_now        = pygame.time.get_ticks()
    movement_time   = ( time_now - previous_sample_time ) / 1000  # milliseconds -> seconds
    movement_speed = pixels_movement / movement_time
    if ( movement_speed > MAX_SPEED ):

elif ( previous_mouse_position == None ):
    # No previous recorded position
    previous_mouse_position = current_mouse_pos
    previous_sample_time    = pygame.time.get_ticks()

当然 euclidian distance between two points 可以很容易地计算出来。


import math

def distance( point1, point2 ):
    """ Return the Euclidian distance between two points 
        Ref: """
    # NOTE: this code hasn't been tested
    p1x, p1y  = point1
    p2x, p2y  = point2
    x_squared = ( p2x - p1x ) * ( p2x - p1x )
    y_squared = ( p2y - p1y ) * ( p2y - p1y )
    pixel_dist= math.sqrt( x_squared + y_squared )
    return pixel_dist

MOUSEMOTION事件有一个属性rel表示鼠标相对于之前位置移动了多少。使用此属性,我们可以使用毕达哥拉斯定理计算速度(** 表示 Python 中的功率)。因此,在您的事件循环中,您可以执行以下操作:

for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
        dx, dy = event.rel
        speed = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** (1/2)  # Pythagoras theorem.
        if speed >= MAX_SPEED:
            quit()  # Or show quit screen or whatever.

确保在循环之前定义 MAX_SPEED(例如作为全局变量)。

这种方法的一个问题是第一个事件将具有相对于原点的位置,即如果游戏开始时您的鼠标位于 (100, 100),则 rel 属性将为 (100 , 100).

由于您可能不想在申请开始时就强制执行您的游戏规则,这应该不是问题。但是,如果您希望游戏在强制执行此规则的情况下打开,则需要跳过第一个 MOUSEMOTION 事件。这可以通过检查布尔值来完成。

# Define this globally (or somewhere where it will only be set on startup).
# Also, use a better name than 'first'. Something that represent the logic for your game. 
first = False

for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
        dx, dy = event.rel
        speed = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) ** (1/2)  # Pythagoras theorem.
        if speed >= MAX_SPEED and first:
            quit()  # Or show quit screen or whatever.
        first = True