如何检查 AWS Elasticache (REDIS) 中是否更改了配置命令名称

How to check the if config command name is changed in AWS Elasticache(REDIS)

我正在尝试访问 AWS elasticache(REDIS)。我遵循了这个指令: https://redsmin.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/734646-amazon-elasticache-and-redsmin

Redis 现在已连接,但是当我单击配置时。我收到此错误:

"Redsmin can't load the configuration. Check with your provider that you have access to the configuration command."

编辑 1:

config Redis 命令在 AWS Elasticache 上不可用,请参阅他们的文档:


To deliver a managed service experience, ElastiCache restricts access to certain cache engine-specific commands that require advanced privileges. For cache clusters running Redis, the following commands are unavailable:



这就是为什么 Redsmin 配置模块(它是唯一受影响的模块)无法显示当前 Redis AWS Elasticache 配置的原因。