AWS Elasticsearch 快照是否包含数据?

Does AWS Elasticsearch snapshot contains data?

我正在阅读有关 Elasticsearch 的 AWS 文档,在最新版本中,他们每 1 小时拍摄一次 AWS ES 集群快照并将其存储在 S3 中。





来自AWS documentation

On Amazon Elasticsearch Service, snapshots come in two forms: automated and manual.

  • Automated snapshots are only for cluster recovery. You can use them to restore your domain in the event of red cluster status or other data loss. Amazon ES stores automated snapshots in a preconfigured Amazon S3 bucket at no additional charge.

  • Manual snapshots are for cluster recovery or moving data from one cluster to another. As the name suggests, you have to initiate manual snapshots. These snapshots are stored in your own Amazon S3 bucket, and standard S3 charges apply. If you have a snapshot from a self-managed Elasticsearch cluster, you can even use that snapshot to migrate to an Amazon ES domain.

这将支持从手动快照进行的集群恢复和数据迁移。 Elasticsearch 服务本身内的集群的任何网络或配置都完全通过 AWS API 进行管理,因此这些应通过基础设施即代码(例如 CloudFormation or Terraform)进行管理。