Paging3:"Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type" 将 PagingSource 用作 Room DAO 中的 return 类型

Paging3: "Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type" when using PagingSource as return type in Room DAO

我试图为新的 Paging 3 库模仿 Google 的代码实验室,当我尝试使用 Room DAO 方法 return a PagingSource:

D:\Programming\Android\something\app\build\tmp\kapt3\stubs\debug\com\someapp\something\data\db\ error: Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type (androidx.paging.PagingSource<java.lang.Integer,>).
    public abstract androidx.paging.PagingSource<java.lang.Integer,> getUserByUserName(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull()
^D:\Programming\Android\something\app\build\tmp\kapt3\stubs\debug\com\someapp\something\data\db\ error: Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type (androidx.paging.PagingSource<java.lang.Integer,>).
public abstract androidx.paging.PagingSource<java.lang.Integer,> getUserByNote(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull()

这是我的 UsersDao.kt:

interface UsersDao {

    fun insert(user: GithubUser): Completable

    fun insert(userList: List<GithubUser>): Completable

    @Query("DELETE FROM userDb")
    fun clearDb(): Completable

    @Query("SELECT * FROM userDb")
    fun getAllUsers(): Single<List<GithubUser>>

    @Query("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM userDb WHERE username LIKE :userName)")
    fun checkIfUserExists(userName: String): Boolean

    @Query("SELECT note FROM userDb WHERE username LIKE :userName")
    fun getNoteByUserName(userName: String): Single<String>

    @Query("SELECT * FROM userDb WHERE username LIKE :userName")
    fun getUserByUserName(userName: String): PagingSource<Int, GithubUser>

    @Query("SELECT * FROM userDb WHERE note LIKE :note")
    fun getUserByNote(note: String): PagingSource<Int, GithubUser>


我的 GithubUser.kt 看起来像这样:

@Entity(tableName = "userDb", indices = arrayOf(Index(value = ["username"],  unique = true)))
class GithubUser (
    var username: String,
    var note: String,
    var url: String,
    var avatarUrl: String
) {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    var uid = 0

在使用 Paging 3 库的 code for the Paging Codelab, the DAO method just returns a PagingSource with no extra annotations/magic options in Gradle or whatever. I also looked at other examples from Github like this and this 中,它们 return PagingSource 完全没有问题。谁能告诉我是否遗漏了什么?

注意:在错误本身之前,我总是收到关于 ANTLR Tool version 4.5.3 used for code generation does not match the current runtime version 4.7.1 的警告,但这个警告本身在过去并没有引起任何问题,但我以防万一。

编辑:我使用以下 Room/Paging 库版本:

    implementation ""
    kapt ""
    implementation ''

    implementation "androidx.paging:paging-runtime:3.0.0-alpha03"
    implementation 'androidx.paging:paging-rxjava2:3.0.0-alpha03'


implementation ""
implementation ""
kapt ""