
Batch file extracting certain tokens from unknown number of delimiters in variable


批处理文件用 for 循环逐行读取文本文件到变量中。所述文本文件的每一行的格式都可以与下一行完全不同。唯一常见的分隔符是每行某处的四位数(年份)。目标是 return 通过 echo 将任何文本跟在上述每行的四位数字后面。


Monday, January 1, 1900 there was an event-e6718
On this day in 1904 nothing occurred
Wednesday, March 3, 1908 an error occurred when attempting to access the log
Thursday, , 1911 - access denied
Friday, in whatever month, on whatever day, in 1938, nothing happened

因此,根据上面的文本文件示例,return 就像...

there was an event-e6718
nothing occurred
an error occurred when attempting to access the log
- access denied
nothing happened

截至 1318 PST,我已经尝试了以下评论中的每个代码片段,但其中 none 能够 return 我需要 return 的数据。





如果字符串中确实没有共同点或令牌计数不一致,请调整以下 for 循环中的迭代次数以匹配最大可能的令牌。

@Echo off & Setlocal EnableDelayedexpansion
  Set "event=Monday, January 1, 1900 there was an event-e6718"
  For /L %%i in (1 1 10) Do (
   Set "event=!event:*, =!"
  )& rem // arbitrary number of iterations that should be adjusted to match the maximum expected tokens
  Set "event=%event:~5,100%"& rem // remove the year[space] from the string - final string maximum length is also arbitrary and may need adjusting.

** 更新** 使用上述方法的宏版本获取 for 循环中最后一个标记的宏示例:


@Echo off

(Set \n=^^^
%=Newline Var=%

  Set Gettoken=For %%n in (1 2) Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
    For /F "Delims=" %%G in ("!string!") Do (%\n%
    Set "output=%%G"%\n%
    For %%D in ("!Delim!") Do For /L %%i in (1 1 10) Do Set "output=!output:*%%~D=!"%\n%
    Set "output=!output:~5,100!"%\n%
  Set output%\n%
) Else Set string=
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
 Set "Delim=, "&& For /F "Delims=" %%I in (inputfile.txt) Do %GetToken%%%I



@Echo off & CD "%~dp0"
Setlocal Enabledelayedexpansion
rem // replace inputfile.txt with your filepath
For /F "Delims=" %%L in (inputfile.txt) Do (
Call :sub "%%L"
rem // the below for loop will remove everything up to including the first year from the string
rem // as well as traling coma[space] / [space]
For %%E in (!Errorlevel!) Do (
 If Not "%%E"=="0" (
  Set "String=!String:*%%E=####!"
  Set "String=!String:####, =!"
  Set "String=!String:#### =!"
  Set "String=!String:####=!"
rem // output only if a year "delimiter" was encountered
If not "%%~L"=="!String!" Echo/!String!

Exit /b
Set "String=%~1"
rem // adjust for loop %%I for valid year range and %%# for maximum expected string length
For /L %%I in (1899 1 2050) Do (For /L %%# in (0 1 100) Do (If "!String:~%%#,4!"=="%%I" (Exit /B %%I)))
Exit /B 0


@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "C:\textfile.txt" ^| findstr /IRC:"there was an event"') do (
   set "event=%%i"
   echo "!event:*there was an event=there was an event!"


Monday, January 1, 1900 there was an event-e6718
On this day in 1904 nothing occurred
Wednesday, March 3, 1908 an error occurred when attempting to access the log
Thursday, , 1911 - access denied
Monday, January 1, 1910 there was an event-dsfd318
Friday, in whatever month, on whatever day, in 1938, nothing happened


批处理是一项可怕的任务。 REGEX 是一个很好的工具,但 cmd 不支持它(findstr 的一个非常残缺的子集除外)。如果你愿意使用 external tool,这很容易:

<old.txt call jrepl ".*(\d{4})\D\ *(.*$)" "" >new.txt

搜索四位数字 \d{4},然后是 non-digit \D 和零个或多个空格,直到“EndOfLine” .*$。 (括号)标记匹配项,由 $x 引用。您想要的字符串在 </code>.</p> <p>使用您的示例文件输出:</p> <pre><code>there was an event-e6718 nothing occurred an error occurred when attempting to access the log - access denied there was an event-dsfd318 nothing happened

如果您决定包括年份,您可以在 </code>:</p> 中找到它 <pre><code><old.txt call jrepl ".*(\d{4})\D\ *(.*$)" ": " >new.txt


1900: there was an event-e6718
1904: nothing occurred
1908: an error occurred when attempting to access the log
1911: - access denied
1910: there was an event-dsfd318
1938: nothing happened

call 是批处理文件所必需的,因为 jrepl 是一个批处理文件,因此没有 call 就不会 return。
(REGEX 模式可能需要改进;我还没有太多经验。)

jrepl.batdbenham 编程。