
In my calculator, how do I have it only solve an equation once, and prevent user input after until calculator is cleared?

我正在使用 tkinter 创建一个计算器,我很难弄清楚我如何才能让计算器解决用户输入一次的问题,并防止进一步输入到下一行(我的输出文本小部件只有两行)。我尝试只在第一行插入输入,但它只会不断地在第一行插入更多内容。这甚至有可能阻止按钮在点击“=”直到我点击清除之后完全无法插入任何东西吗?

#function handles all calculations and inputs
def calc(data):
    #gets last character in output
    last_value = output.get('end -2 chars')

    #condition how data should be inserted
    if data.isnumeric() or data == '.': 
        output.insert('end', data)
        if last_value == '.' and data == '.': #prevents duplicating decimals
            output.replace('end -3 chars', 'end -1 chars', data)
    elif data in "+-*/":
        output.insert('end', data)
        if last_value in "+-/*": #prevents duplicating operators also replaces existing operators
            output.replace('end-3c', 'end-1c', data)
    elif data == 'C':
        output.delete('1.0', 'end')

    #solves equation
    elif data == '=':
        equation = output.get('end -1 lines linestart', 'end -1 lines lineend')
            answer = eval(equation)
            output.insert('end', '\n' + str(answer))
        except SyntaxError:
            output.insert('end', '\n' + 'ERROR: SYNTAX')
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            output.insert('end', '\n' + 'ERROR: 0 DIVISION')


def calc(data):
    #gets last character in output
    last_value = output.get('end -2 chars')

    #condition how data should be inserted
    if data.isnumeric() or data == '.' and can_calculate: #make sure we're allowed to calculate/update
        output.insert('end', data)
        if last_value == '.' and data == '.': #prevents duplicating decimals
            output.replace('end -3 chars', 'end -1 chars', data)
    elif data in "+-*/" and can_calculate: #make sure we're allowed to calculate/update
        output.insert('end', data)
        if last_value in "+-/*": #prevents duplicating operators also replaces existing operators
            output.replace('end-3c', 'end-1c', data)
    elif data == 'C':
        output.delete('1.0', 'end')
        can_calculate=True #update var to reflect a calculation because we cleared

    #solves equation
    elif data == '=' and can_calculate:
        equation = output.get('end -1 lines linestart', 'end -1 lines lineend')
            answer = eval(equation)
            output.insert('end', '\n' + str(answer))
            can_calculate = False #update var to reflect a calculation because we calculated
        except SyntaxError:
            output.insert('end', '\n' + 'ERROR: SYNTAX')
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            output.insert('end', '\n' + 'ERROR: 0 DIVISION')