devexpress xtra 报告中的自定义组排序
Custom group sort in devexpress xtra report
我用 devexpress 创建了一个 XtraReport。我将该报告与数据字段分组。在devexpress group字段中只支持升序和降序排序功能。但是我想自定义我想要的排序。我可以这样做吗?
使用 calculated field and handle its GetValue
event to implement custom sorting. See the following tutorial: Sort Data by a Custom Field.
我用 devexpress 创建了一个 XtraReport。我将该报告与数据字段分组。在devexpress group字段中只支持升序和降序排序功能。但是我想自定义我想要的排序。我可以这样做吗?
使用 calculated field and handle its GetValue
event to implement custom sorting. See the following tutorial: Sort Data by a Custom Field.