如何建立RF(Random Forest)和PSO(Particle Swarm Optimizer)的混合模型来寻找产品的最优折扣?

How to build hybrid model of RF(Random Forest) and PSO(Particle Swarm Optimizer) to find optimal discount of products?

我需要为每种产品(例如 A、B、C)找到最佳折扣,以便最大化总销售额。对于将折扣和季节映射到销售的每种产品,我都有现有的随机森林模型。我如何组合这些模型并将它们提供给优化器以找到每个产品的最佳折扣?


  1. RF:它能够提供更好的(w.r.t 线性模型)预测变量和响应(sales_uplift_norm)之间的关系。
  2. PSO:在许多白皮书中建议(可在 researchgate/IEEE 获得),也可在 python here and here.
  3. 中获得该包

输入数据sample data用于在产品级别构建模型。数据一览如下:

Idea/Steps 后面是我:

  1. 为每个产品构建 RF 模型
    # pre-processed data
    products_pre_processed_data = {key:pre_process_data(df, key) for key, df in df_basepack_dict.items()}
    # rf models
    products_rf_model = {key:rf_fit(df) for key, df in products_pre_processed_data .items()}

sudo/sample code # 因为我找不到将 product_models 传递给优化器的方法。

from pyswarm import pso
def obj(x):
    model1 = products_rf_model.get('A')
    model2 = products_rf_model.get('B')
    model3 = products_rf_model.get('C')
    return -(model1 + model2 + model3) # -ve sign as to maximize

def con(x):
    x1 = x[0]
    x2 = x[1]
    x3 = x[2]
    return np.sum(units_A*x*mrp_A + units_B*x*mrp_B + units_C* x *spend_C)-20 # spend budget

lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
ub = [0.3, 0.4, 0.4]

xopt, fopt = pso(obj, lb, ub, f_ieqcons=con)

尊敬的 SO 专家,请求您提供有关如何使用 PSO 优化器(或任何其他优化器)的指导(几周以来一直在努力寻找任何指导)如果我没有跟随正确的)与 RF.


def pre_process_data(df,product):
    data = df.copy().reset_index()
#     print(data)
    bp = product
    print("----------product: {}----------".format(bp))
    # Pre-processing steps
    print("pre process df.shape {}".format(df.shape))
        #1. Reponse var transformation
    response = data.sales_uplift_norm # already transformed

        #2. predictor numeric var transformation 
    numeric_vars = ['discount_percentage'] # may include mrp, depth
    df_numeric = data[numeric_vars]
    df_norm = df_numeric.apply(lambda x: scale(x), axis = 0) # center and scale

        #3. char fields dummification
    #select category fields
    cat_cols = data.select_dtypes('category').columns
    #select string fields
    str_to_cat_cols = data.drop(['product'], axis = 1).select_dtypes('object').astype('category').columns
    # combine all categorical fields
    all_cat_cols = [*cat_cols,*str_to_cat_cols]
#     print(all_cat_cols)

    #convert cat to dummies
    df_dummies = pd.get_dummies(data[all_cat_cols])

        #4. combine num and char df together
    df_combined = pd.concat([df_dummies.reset_index(drop=True), df_norm.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1)
    df_combined['sales_uplift_norm'] = response
    df_processed = df_combined.copy()
    print("post process df.shape {}".format(df_processed.shape))
#     print("model fields: {}".format(df_processed.columns))

def rf_fit(df, random_state = 12):
    train_features = df.drop('sales_uplift_norm', axis = 1)
    train_labels = df['sales_uplift_norm']
    # Random Forest Regressor
    rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 500,
                               random_state = random_state,
                               bootstrap = True,
    # RF model
    rf_fit = rf.fit(train_features, train_labels)


编辑: 将数据集更新为简化版本。



  1. 由于随机森林模型将 season 特征作为输入,因此必须为每个季节计算最佳折扣。
  2. 检查 pyswarm 的文档,con 函数产生的输出必须符合 con(x) >= 0.0。因此,正确的约束是 20 - sum(...) 而不是相反。另外,unitsmrp 变量没有给出;我假设值为 1,您可能想要更改这些值。


  1. sklearn 的预处理和管道包装器,以简化预处理步骤。
  2. 最佳参数存储在输出 .xlsx 文件中。
  3. PSO 的 maxiter 参数已设置为 5 到 speed-up 调试,您可能需要将其值设置为另一个值(默认 = 100 ).


import pandas as pd 
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor 
from sklearn.base import clone

# ====================== RF TRAINING ======================
# Preprocessing
def build_sample(season, discount_percentage):
    return pd.DataFrame({
        'season': [season],
        'discount_percentage': [discount_percentage]

columns_to_encode = ["season"]
columns_to_scale = ["discount_percentage"]
encoder = OneHotEncoder()
scaler = StandardScaler()
preproc = ColumnTransformer(
        ("encoder", Pipeline([("OneHotEncoder", encoder)]), columns_to_encode),
        ("scaler", Pipeline([("StandardScaler", scaler)]), columns_to_scale)

# Model
myRFClassifier = RandomForestRegressor(
    n_estimators = 500,
    random_state = 12,
    bootstrap = True,
    oob_score = True)

pipeline_list = [
    ('preproc', preproc),
    ('clf', myRFClassifier)

pipe = Pipeline(pipeline_list)

# Dataset
df_tot = pd.read_excel("so_data.xlsx")
df_dict = {
    product: df_tot[df_tot['product'] == product].drop(columns=['product']) for product in pd.unique(df_tot['product'])

# Fit
print("Training ...")
pipe_dict = {
    product: clone(pipe) for product in df_dict.keys()

for product, df in df_dict.items():
    X = df.drop(columns=["sales_uplift_norm"])
    y = df["sales_uplift_norm"]

# ====================== OPTIMIZATION ====================== 
from pyswarm import pso
# Parameter of PSO
maxiter = 5

n_product = len(pipe_dict.keys())

# Constraints
budget = 20
units  = [1, 1, 1]
mrp    = [1, 1, 1]

lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
ub = [0.3, 0.4, 0.4]

# Must always remain >= 0
def con(x):
    s = 0
    for i in range(n_product):
        s += units[i] * mrp[i] * x[i]

    return budget - s

print("Optimization ...")

# Save optimal discounts for every product and every season
df_opti = pd.DataFrame(data=None, columns=df_tot.columns)
for season in pd.unique(df_tot['season']):

    # Objective function to minimize
    def obj(x):
        s = 0
        for i, product in enumerate(pipe_dict.keys()):
            s += pipe_dict[product].predict(build_sample(season, x[i]))
        return -s

    # PSO
    xopt, fopt = pso(obj, lb, ub, f_ieqcons=con, maxiter=maxiter)
    print("Season: {}\t xopt: {}".format(season, xopt))

    # Store result
    df_opti = pd.concat([
            'product': list(pipe_dict.keys()),
            'season': [season] * n_product,
            'discount_percentage': xopt,
            'sales_uplift_norm': [
                pipe_dict[product].predict(build_sample(season, xopt[i]))[0] for i, product in enumerate(pipe_dict.keys())

# Save result
df_opti = df_opti.reset_index().drop(columns=['index'])


Training ...
Optimization ...
Stopping search: maximum iterations reached --> 5
Season: summer   xopt: [0.1941521  0.11233673 0.36548761]
Stopping search: maximum iterations reached --> 5
Season: winter   xopt: [0.18670604 0.37829516 0.21857777]
Stopping search: maximum iterations reached --> 5
Season: monsoon  xopt: [0.14898102 0.39847885 0.18889792]
  product   season  discount_percentage  sales_uplift_norm
0       A   summer             0.194152           0.175973
1       B   summer             0.112337           0.229735
2       C   summer             0.365488           0.374510
3       A   winter             0.186706          -0.028205
4       B   winter             0.378295           0.266675
5       C   winter             0.218578           0.146012
6       A  monsoon             0.148981           0.199073
7       B  monsoon             0.398479           0.307632
8       C  monsoon             0.188898           0.210134