具有继承专业化和专业方法的 Fluent Builder returns(奇怪的重复模板)

Fluent builder with inherited specialisation and specialised method returns (curiously recurring template)


var b = new Builder();


我纠结的关键点是某些操作只能在某些其他操作之后才能进行。具体来说,管道中有两种主要类型的操作:对实例集起作用的操作,以及对单个实例起作用的操作。因此,只有在 Batched 的管道上执行 BatchedOperation 和在 Unbatched.[=38= 的管道上执行 UnbatchedOperation 才有效]

为了下面的示例代码,我将管道在任何时候都视为两种形式之一:Foo 形式或 Bar 形式。这基本上等同于批处理或未批处理,但它将代码缩减到核心问题,而不会挂断批处理或未批处理的确切含义,并消除了混乱。

首先,假设我从这样的东西开始,基本的 CRTP:

public abstract class Builder<TBuilder> where TBuilder : Builder<TBuilder>
    protected TBuilder builder;
    internal Builder() => builder = (TBuilder)this;
    public TBuilder Bar() => builder;
    public TBuilder Foo() => builder;


public class SpecialBuilder : Builder<SpecialBuilder>
    public SpecialBuilder() : base()    { }
    public SpecialBuilder Special() => builder;


var b = new SpecialBuilder();

这不好,因为管道一旦 Foo()d 就不可能再 Foo() 它,因为它现在处于 Bar() 可用状态。需要明确的是,这会引发运行时错误,但不会在编译时捕获(或者,特别是通过智能感知)。


public interface IBar<T> { IFoo<T> Bar(); }
public interface IFoo<T> { IBar<T> Foo(); }

public abstract class Builder<TBuilder> : IFoo<TBuilder>, IBar<TBuilder>
where TBuilder : Builder<TBuilder>
    protected TBuilder builder;
    internal Builder() => builder = (TBuilder)this;
    public IFoo<TBuilder> Bar() => builder;
    public IBar<TBuilder> Foo() => builder;

但是,这会返回到不可继承的构建器,因为现在我的派生构建器一旦 Foo()d 就无法运行。那时它不再是 Special()d,因为它现在是 IBar,而不是 SpecialBuilder


public interface ISpecialFoo<T> : IFoo<T> { T Special(); }
public interface ISpecialBar<T> : IBar<T> { T Special(); }

当然,摘要 Builder 仍然不能在 IFoo<TBuilder> 中指定 Bar() return,因为那仍然不是 SpecialBuilder ,因此不能 Special()d。所以看起来接口 return 类型本身 需要遵循奇怪的重复模板模式。


public abstract class Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar> 
    : IFoo<TBuilder>, IBar<TBuilder> // errors for both of these
    where TBuilder : Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar>, IFoo<TBuilder>, IBar<TBuilder>, TFoo, TBar
    where TFoo : IFoo<TBuilder>
    where TBar : IBar<TBuilder>
    protected TBuilder builder;
    internal Builder() => builder = (TBuilder)this;
    public TFoo Bar() => builder;
    public TBar Foo() => builder;


'Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar>' does not implement interface member IFoo.Foo()'. 'Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar>.Foo()' cannot implement 'IFoo.Foo()' because it does not have thematching return type of 'IBar'

'Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar>' does not implement interface member 'IBar.Bar()'. 'Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar>.Bar()' cannot implement 'IBar.Bar()' because it does not have the matching return type of 'IFoo'.

这甚至可以做到吗?我真的很想为这段代码的用户提供编译时帮助,例如,intellisense 仅显示构建器状态的有效操作。但是他们的收获显然是我在这里的痛苦。


public interface ISpecial { SpecialBuilder Special(); }
public interface ISpecialFoo : IFoo<SpecialBuilder>, ISpecial { }
public interface ISpecialBar : IBar<SpecialBuilder>, ISpecial { }
public interface IBar<T> { IFoo<T> Bar(); }
public interface IFoo<T> { IBar<T> Foo(); }

internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        var b = new SpecialBuilder();

public abstract class Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar>
    where TBuilder : Builder<TBuilder, TFoo, TBar>, TFoo, TBar
    where TFoo : IFoo<TBuilder>
    where TBar : IBar<TBuilder>
    protected TBuilder builder;
    internal Builder() => builder = (TBuilder)this;
    public TFoo Bar() => builder;
    public TBar Foo() => builder;

public class SpecialBuilder : Builder<SpecialBuilder, ISpecialFoo, ISpecialBar>, ISpecialFoo, ISpecialBar
    public SpecialBuilder() : base() { }
    public SpecialBuilder Special() => builder;


// I moved the generic interfaces inside the CRTP base
// to save some typing for the CRTP consumers.
// You can also move IState1 and IState2 outside, and
// they will need generic parameters TIState1, TIState2.
public abstract class Builder<TBuilder, TIState1, TIState2>
  : Builder<TBuilder, TIState1, TIState2>.IState1,
    Builder<TBuilder, TIState1, TIState2>.IState2
  // This constraint surprisingly (or not) compiles.
  where TBuilder : Builder<TBuilder, TIState1, TIState2>, TIState1, TIState2
  where TIState1 : Builder<TBuilder, TIState1, TIState2>.IState1
  where TIState2 : Builder<TBuilder, TIState1, TIState2>.IState2
  public interface IState1 { TIState2 OpState1(); }
  public interface IState2 { TIState1 OpState2(); }

  private TBuilder that;
  protected Builder() { that = (TBuilder)this; }

  public TIState2 OpState1() { return that; }
  public TIState1 OpState2() { return that; }

public sealed class MyBuilder
  : Builder<MyBuilder, MyBuilder.IMyState1, MyBuilder.IMyState2>,
    MyBuilder.IMyState1, MyBuilder.IMyState2
  public interface IMySpecial { MyBuilder OpSpecial(); }
  public interface IMyState1 : IState1, IMySpecial { }
  public interface IMyState2 : IState2, IMySpecial { }

  public MyBuilder OpSpecial() { return this; }

现在,如果您尝试 new MyBuilder().OpState1().,因为 return 类型是 IMyState2,您将只会看到 OpSpecialOpState2object 方法。
