
How to customize a spinner with floating text

我想使用浮动文本自定义 Spinner,就像 EditText 中的浮动标签一样。请查看下面的参考图片:

现在我想把 TextView 放在 Spinner 的正上方,这样它看起来就像图像中那样。如果我说错了或者大家有不同意见请帮助我。


解决方案:使用以下库在 pre-lollipop 上使用 material 主题 https://github.com/rey5137/material

正如我在 this answer to my own question 中所写...

I have created a compound View component which displays a label above the Spinner. The text for the label can be set using XML or in Java.

The component has the key features of a Spinner (not all of them) as well as looking similar to the TextInputLayout component.

I have named it a LabelledSpinner, and it is available as part of my UsefulViews Android library on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 License.

To use it, add the library dependency in your build.gradle file:

compile 'com.satsuware.lib:usefulviews:+'

Examples of its usage are available at the GitHub repository (both a sample app, and a usage guide).