Knex(使用 Expressjs)和 postgresSQL:字符串在 SQL 中被 knex 自动双引号

Knex(with Expressjs) and postgresSQL: String is automatically double quoted in SQL by knex

当我尝试使用 knex 在 SQL 中传递值时遇到问题。

app.get('/home/:topbarMenuPath', (req, res)=> {
  const { topbarMenuPath } = req.params;

  var toStringQuery ='tm1.menu_name','tm1.seq','tm1.menu_path','tm1.menu_id')
  .from('tb_menu as tm1')
  .join('tb_menu as tm2', function() {
    this.on('tm1.parent_menu_id', '=', 'tm2.menu_id')
      .andOn('tm2.menu_level', '=', 1)
      .andOn('tm1.menu_level', '=', 2)

如果我将 ':topbarMenuPath' 作为 'hello' 传递,console.log 输出将如下所示:

select "tm1"."menu_name", "tm1"."seq", "tm1"."menu_path", "tm1"."menu_id" 
from "tb_menu" as "tm1" 
inner join "tb_menu" as "tm2" on "tm1"."parent_menu_id" = "tm2"."menu_id" 
and "tm2"."menu_level" = 1
and "tm1"."menu_level" = 2 
and "tm2"."menu_path" = "hello"

Postgres 似乎无法识别双引号“hello”,当我尝试将 SQL 发送到 Postgres 时显示错误。 错误:

    "length": 166,
    "name": "error",
    "severity": "ERROR",
    "code": "42703",
    "position": "251",
    "file": "d:\\\src\backend\parser\parse_relation.c",
    "line": "3359",
    "routine": "errorMissingColumn"

有什么方法可以让我得到一个 SQL 的单引号 hello ,如下所示?

and "tm2"."menu_path" = 'hello'


and "tm2"."menu_path" = "hello"

是的,来自the docs

If you need to use a literal value (string, number, or boolean) in a join instead of a column, use knex.raw.'*').from('users').join('accounts', 'accounts.type', knex.raw('?', ['admin']))
select * from `users` inner join `accounts` on `accounts`.`type` = 'admin'

对你来说,这意味着 .andOn('tm2.menu_path', '=', knex.raw('?', [topbarMenuPath]))