不允许具有长目的地 URL 的 AWS Route 53 CNAME

AWS Route 53 CNAME with long destination URL not allowed

我正在向 Route 53 添加一个 CNAME 条目。我正在尝试重定向 (即目的地)的 URL 包含大量字符。当我尝试添加它时出现此错误:

Error occurred
Bad request.
(InvalidChangeBatch 400: DomainLabelTooLong (Domain label is too long) encountered with '<my-url>', Unparseable CNAME encountered)

经过一些摆弄后,如果 URL 长于 70 个字符 ,它似乎会给我这个错误。如果 URL 少于此值,则可以正常工作。我找不到任何地方记录这个限制,这是一个错误吗?有什么办法可以提高这个限制吗?

这里是来自Route53 documentation的相关信息:

Domain names (including the names of domains, hosted zones, and records) consist of a series of labels separated by dots. Each label can be up to 63 bytes long. The total length of a domain name cannot exceed 255 bytes, including the dots.

维基百科提供 similar information:

A label may contain zero to 63 characters. The null label, of length zero, is reserved for the root zone. The full domain name may not exceed the length of 253 characters in its textual representation. In the internal binary representation of the DNS the maximum length requires 255 octets of storage, as it also stores the length of the name.