从@ngrx/entity/Dictionary 获取错误类型

Getting wrong type from @ngrx/entity/Dictionary

我有一些基于 NGRX 的映射如下,其中之一正在返回:

Type 'NormalizedAppState[key]' does not satisfy the constraint 'EntityState<NormalizedAppState[key]["entities"][number]>'.
   Type 'InstrumentState' is not assignable to type 'EntityState<NormalizedAppState[key]["entities"][number]>'.
     Types of property 'entities' are incompatible.
       Type 'Dictionary<IInstrument>' is not assignable to type 'Dictionary<NormalizedAppState[key]["entities"][number]>'.
         Type 'IInstrument' is not assignable to type 'NormalizedAppState[key]["entities"] [number]'.


//* Minimal NGRX *//

interface DictionaryNum<T> {
    [id: number]: T | undefined;
class Dictionary<T> implements DictionaryNum<T> {
    [id: string]: T | undefined;
    // [id: number]: T | undefined; // this solves the problem
interface EntityState<T> {
    ids: number[];
    entities: Dictionary<T>;

//* *//

const featureNames = {
    instrument: 'instrument',
} as const

interface EntityStateActions<
  TState extends EntityState<TState['entities'][number]>
> {}

interface IInstrument {}

interface InstrumentState extends EntityState<IInstrument> {}

abstract class NormalizedAppState {
  [featureNames.instrument]: InstrumentState;


export type NormalizedFeatureActions = {
  [key in keyof typeof featureNames]: EntityStateActions<
    NormalizedAppState[key] --> The error happens here

如果我将 Dictionary<T>

更改为 class,错误就会消失
class Dictionary<T> implements DictionaryNum<T> {
    [id: string]: T | undefined;

class Dictionary<T> implements DictionaryNum<T> {
    [id: number]: T | undefined;



Playground Link


interface EntityActions<TEntity,TState extends EntityState<TEntity>>{}

abstract class AppState {
  [featureNames.instrument]: InstrumentState;

export type FeatureActions = {
  [featureNames.instrument]: EntityActions<IInstrument,InstrumentState>
