即使值为 nil,Guard Let 语句也不会触发

Guard Let statement not triggering even when values are nil

这是我的 UIBarButtonItem:

@IBAction func doneButtonPressed(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
    print("doneButton Pressed")
    // Guard statement ensures that all fields have been satisfied, so that the JumpSpotAnnotation can be made, and no values are nil
    guard let name = nameTextField.text,
        let estimatedHeight = estimatedHeightTextField.text,
        let locationDescription = descriptionTextView.text else {
            nameRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
            heightRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
            descriptionRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
            print("User did not put in all the required information.")

IBAction 中其下方的代码无关紧要,因为这是一个 guard let 问题。即使我真的将值设置为 nil,它也不会触发。在我的 viewDidLoad 中,我输入:

    nameTextField.text = nil
    estimatedHeightTextField.text = nil
    descriptionTextView.text = nil

当我按下按钮时,在不更改这些文本的值的情况下,guard let 语句仍然不会触发,下面的函数的其余部分将执行。任何想法为什么?谢谢


    let estimatedHeight = estimatedHeightTextField.text, 
    let locationDescription = descriptionTextView.text,
    else {
        nameRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
        heightRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
        descriptionRequiredLabel.isHidden = false
        print("User did not put in all the required information.")


UITextField 文本 属性 默认值为 emptyString。它永远不会 return nil 即使你在检查它的值之前给它赋值 nil 。顺便说一句,UIKeyInput 协议有一个名为 hasText 的 属性 正是为了这个目的。如果您还想避免用户只输入空格和新行,您可以 trim 在检查它是否为空之前输入它们。您可以扩展 UITextInput 并实现您自己的 isEmpty 属性。这将涵盖 UITextFieldUITextView 的单一实现:

extension UITextInput {
    var isEmpty: Bool {
        guard let textRange = self.textRange(from: beginningOfDocument, to: endOfDocument) else { return true }
        return text(in: textRange)?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty == true

let textField = UITextField()
textField.text = " \n "
textField.isEmpty   // true

let textView = UITextView()
textView.text = " \n a"
textView.isEmpty   // true