在添加更多之前等到用户删除 Matplotlib 图的方法?

Way to wait until user deletes Matplotlib figure before adding more?

所以我有一个函数可以散点图绘制一些数据,并通过创建新图形来实现。一次允许的最大数字量为 20,以避免内存过载。如果用户想要精确地绘制具有 6 个变量的数据集,那么将有 30 个不同的图形。有没有办法等到用户删除了必要数量的数字再添加更多?


import matplolib.pyplot as plt
... # some code
# this below is inside a loop structure
f = plt.figure
# add some stuff to the figure
Halt()  # checks to see if there are too many figures

其中 Halt() 定义如下:

def halt():
    first = True
    while plt.gcf().number > 20:  # are there more than 20 figures
        if first:
            # show message
            first  = False
            # time.sleep(100)

唯一的问题是它“冻结”了程序,不允许用户退出任何数字,因为它“没有响应”。我也试过 time.sleep() 但这似乎也不起作用。


https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.show.html 说:

If False ensure that all windows are displayed and return immediately. In this case, you are responsible for ensuring that the event loop is running to have responsive figures.

如何做到这一点,你问?好吧,文档位于 https://matplotlib.org/users/interactive_guide.html#explicitly-spinning-the-event-loop .

经过一些摆弄,我做了以下同时绘制 20 个数字,最多 5 个:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from time import sleep

def plot_stuff(exponent, titlenum):
    x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0)
    f = plt.figure()
    ax = f.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.set_title('{} - {}'.format(titlenum, exponent))
    ax.plot(x, x**exponent)

def get_fighandles():
    fignumbers = plt.get_fignums()
    return [plt.figure(fign) for fign in fignumbers]

N_figs_eventually_plotted = 20
N_figs_max_simultaneous = 5

while N < N_figs_eventually_plotted:
    if len(get_fighandles()) < N_figs_max_simultaneous:
        N += 1
        # put here whichever update is needed when you can add new figures
        plot_stuff(np.random.random(), N)
    for fig in get_fighandles():
        fig.canvas.draw_idle() # might not be needed, but here it's fast

# note: solution terminates when the last figure is plotted, you might want something to prevent this (for instance a plt.show(block=True) when the last figure is plotted)
