PayPal Rest API - 使用的终点

PayPal Rest API - End Point Used

在我的开发环境中,我可以正确使用 Rest API 到沙箱站点:

    $sdkConfig = array(
         "mode" => 'sandbox'

    $cred = new OAuthTokenCredential(

    $access_token = $cred->getAccessToken($sdkConfig);

将相同的代码与 Live Keys 和经过验证的 Live 帐户一起使用时:

    $sdkConfig = array(
         "mode" => 'live'

    $cred = new OAuthTokenCredential(

    $access_token = $cred->getAccessToken($sdkConfig);

我收到这个错误: 访问


PayPal REST API 如何知道要访问哪个端点?

我没有在沙盒或实时调用中指定端点,也没有使用 bootstrap 或 ini 文件。帐户已通过验证和批准。


中所示的 ApiContext 对象

// 1. Autoload the SDK Package. This will include all the files and classes to your autoloader
require __DIR__  . '/PayPal-PHP-SDK/autoload.php';

// 2. Provide your Secret Key. Replace the given one with your app clientId, and Secret
$apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(
    new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential(
        'AYSq3RDGsmBLJE-otTkBtM-jBRd1TCQwFf9RGfwddNXWz0uFU9ztymylOhRS',     // ClientID
        'EGnHDxD_qRPdaLdZz8iCr8N7_MzF-YHPTkjs6NKYQvQSBngp4PTTVWkPZRbL'      // ClientSecret

// Step 2.1 : Between Step 2 and Step 3
    'mode' => 'live',
    'log.LogEnabled' => true,
    'log.FileName' => 'PayPal.log',
    'log.LogLevel' => 'FINE'

// 3. Lets try to save a credit card to Vault using Vault API mentioned here
$creditCard = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();

// 4. Make a Create Call and Print the Card
try {
    echo $creditCard;
catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
    echo $ex;